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Assignment 3: Computer Aided Design

To change things build something by fixing the existing reality. It’s still magic even if you know how it’s done.

The goal is to imagine an original and innovative connected object. The spare parts modeled in 2D and 3D are designed corresponding to their codex, using any CAD tool with an access to (for example Solid Works, CATIA, 3DVIA Shape, etc...). Depending on the clarity of the codex and the complexity of the machine, some interpretation sometimes is being done. I'm designing files of new ideas and challenge them to re-configure and remix into different functional objects. The concept is also relying on the fact that the various parts and "joints" will be 3D printed to give life to the final creation.

Task – Get a hold of the 2D and 3D designing

2D Design - A 2d design professional draws 2-dimensional, or flat, images used in mechanical drawings, electrical engineering projects, video games, animation, clothing construction and architecture.

3D Design - 3D design is the process of using software to create a mathematical representation of a 3-dimensional object or shape. The created object is called a 3D model.

The main difference between vector and raster graphics is that raster graphics are composed of pixels, while vector graphics are composed of paths. A raster graphic, such as a gif or jpeg, is an array of pixels of various colors, which together form an image.

After understanding the two types of Digital Graphics, Raster and Vector, I understood that a Vector image is made up of hundreds and thousands of tiny lines and curves, whereas a Raster image comprises of a lot of pixels.

Identification of a Vector Image –

The edges play a major part in identifying a Vector image. It appears very smooth irrespective of your zoom percentage. Their usage is mostly in designing logos and illustrations, wherein a lot of text is used.

Identification of a Raster Image –

A Raster image comprises millions of tiny squares named as Pixels, often used in Bitmap images. When we zoom into the image, we can see these innumerable tiny squared outlines of each pixel of the entire image as a whole.


Raster Software – GIMP

I wanted to try GIMP, so this is how it goes.

GIMP – GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a Free open source Raster Graphics Editor, for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.

After going through the tutorial, I have downloaded the application.

Then installed the application on my laptop.

After finishing the setup, I have opened the software to get a hands on.

Then I selected an image from my pictures folder to try this software.

You can notice the dimensions of the original selected picture, highlighted in yellow.

To resize the new dimension, I opened the scale image dialogue. This brought up a previous image, which I was trying/doodling on Inkscape.

I closed this window and opened up this one.

You can observe the dimensions Width3456/Height5184 in the window.

After changing the dimensions to Width 2200, Height 3330.

I wanted to see the Quality Interpolation, so I tried this by changing the pixels.

This is what you see now after the changes.

I wanted to crop the image. So I readjusted it.

You can also Flip the images vertically or horizontally and rotate them clockwise or anti clockwise too.

For documenting purpose, I went back and took a screenshot of it.

This is how it looks after a change in the dimensions and cropping.

I wanted to enhance the quality of the picture, so I did it.

Now I set the scale to 6.

I am okay with the result.

I have to Export the picture now.

After selecting as shown above,

What a transformation from this image,

To This Picture. The end result of my walkthrough of Gimp.

However, this is not all and end of it, there is still a lot more to explore.

Adobe Photoshop

I couldn't try all software because I had a problem with my laptop so I started with Photoshop.

Initially I have chosen a picture as required and then

I selected the file option

Later selected the open option

Then selected the picture and opened it.

Next selected a pen tool and then I selected the points on the picture as shown above.

Then I choose a background as I required from the internet.

Then I inserted my picture on the first background. But I wanted to have a better option. Hence I have used two backgrounds for editing.

Then by help of move tool I inserted the background image. Dragged the first image on background image and placed where I wanted it.

In this picture I have inserted two backgrounds for a multilayer effect. Now I’m happy with the result.

Now I’m happy with the result.

Later I have tried this option too as I like Dogs.

Currently Trying
Vector Software - Inkscape, Illustrator, SketchUp2019, and Adobe Fusion 360
My Inkscape Experiment

I have downloaded Inkscape on my laptop.

Not much of a worthwhile experience though, but must admit that I got a hang of it.

My 2D and 3D Designing Experience

File Formats For Sharing 3D and 2D CAD Designs

As we know that every software has its own file formats in 2D and 3D designing, their usage depends upon their cost effectiveness, features and purpose. When we send our files to the fab lab or client, it has to be well understood. The CAD file formats generally fall into the Neutral File Formats and the Native File Formats are used to comprehend our design.

Native File formats are Proprietary of a particular CAD software maker, to be used with their software.

Neutral File Formats or Standards were specifically created to encourage interoperability, which helps exchange files between different software programs.

They it easier to exchange files with someone who uses different CAD software. The most successful Native Formats are supported by a variety of software as you can walk through my assignment.

The 3D software I tried are SketchUp2019 and AutoDeskFusion360.


SketchUp, formerly Google SketchUp, is a 3D modeling computer program for a wide range of drawing applications such as Architectural, Interior design, landscape architecture, civil and mechanical engineering, film and video game design.

SketchUp Make is the free version of SketchUp and has all of the features needed to create 3D objects and scenes.

SketchUp Pro is the paid upgrade that adds professional features such as advanced drawing tools and additional import and export options.

A major difference between Shop and Pro is that SketchUp Shop is a web application that you run in a browser while connected to the Internet.

Whereas SketchUp Pro is a downloadable application that you can use offline.

I went to the official website

Created a Trimble account. I saw an option to sign into google account.

Confirmed my user account information received in my mailbox.

I have signed into my account.

Selected Student option.

Selected SketchUp Pro option.

And installed the set up.

After installation I got window.

I started the trail version. It offered me with a SketchUp 2019, LayOut 2019 and Style Builder2019 installations with a shortcut on my desktop.

Before starting to model, I walked through the tour.

It was self-explanatory and very useful.

I started to experience SketchUp2019.

3D Designing using SketchUp 2019

I made my smart air cooler design using this software.

This my design file:-A3 Computer Aided Design_files\Untitled.skp

3D Designing in AutoDesk Fusion 360

AutoDesk has software for 2D drafting, 2D design and 2D drawing. The most popular 2D software, AutoCAD LT, features an intuitive user interface, tools for collaboration and documentation, a web and mobile app, and more.

AutoDesk Fusion 360 is free software for students and startups. It’s very popular for CAD modeling.

Sculpting is one of the great features of this software.

The timeline feature is great as we can go back at any step to make the required changes wherein all subsequent steps gets automatically updated on the proposed design.

So, I dabbled down with the following process as a trial.

First click to create sketch.

Click a side.

After clicking a side and choose a shape.

After choosing a shape, put the parameter and then extrude it to the required height.

There you have a 3d now you can put another shape on the 3D.

Then extrude it.

After this trial, I have designed this 3D Design for 3D printing the Temperature Sensor Holder for my Final Project – Smart FAB Air Cooler.

Design File - A3 Computer Aided Design_files\lm35 v2.f3d
My 3D Design for My Final Project Prototype – Smart FAB Air Cooler

Tools experienced by me – 2D Design – GIMP, Inkscape and Adobe Ps / 3D design – Google SketchUp2019 and AUTODESK Fusion 360.

Learning Outcome -

I’ve learnt new software Adobe Ps, Inkscape and AUTO DESK Fusion 360 for using 2D/3D Designs. It’s hard to compare both 2D and 3D designing software because both of them are good in their own way. 2D Designing is good for making parameters which you will have for any product. 3D Designing is good as we can see the end product before making it. I had issues with 2D designing, as I couldn’t really design my idea perfectly. But in 3D designing, I could see my design perfectly. Every time a 3D design may not be the perfect solution. I prefer both as we need to make 2D design before making a 3D design. I personally feel that they are complementary for designing your product.

Reference – Internet and Fab Modules

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