#include Servo ESC; //Creating a Servo Object int vel = 1000; //Pulse Width void setup() { //Assign Pin to the ESC ESC.attach(5); // In my case I use pin 5 and 6 //Activate the ESC ESC.writeMicroseconds(1000); //1000 = 1ms //Change 1000 to 2000 if your ESC is activated in 2ms delay(5000); //Wait 5 Seconds to activate //Inicialize the Serial Port Serial.begin(9600); //Have care to choose 9600 in the Serial Monitor Serial.setTimeout(10); } void loop() { if(Serial.available() >= 1) { vel = Serial.parseInt(); //It reads here the value that you put in the Serial Monitor if(vel != 0) { ESC.writeMicroseconds(vel); //Here it generate a Pulse with the value read. } } }