

It was my science teacher who pulled the thirst of keeping updated through technology at the early half of 2007 by allowing me to participate in school level Science exhibition and there started my journey about knowing new things, which currently reached FAB LAB TRIVANDRUM.Thanks to Saraswathiamma Teacher of Govt Higher Secondary School Anchalummode,Kollam,Kerala ,INDIA.


I expres my sincere gratitude to all those who have helped me to complete the FAB ACADEMY PROGRAM especially my instructors Mr.Yedhu Sharon,Ganadev Prajapathy,Suhail P,and Rahul Rajan.It was a very graceful experince to do all the group project with Manu Mohan S and Jaisu Joseph and finally my global valuator Mr Isaac Robles.Finally a word to say is I am so lucky to have the worlds best lecturers Mr Neil Gershenfeld.

                              **THANK YOU**

My Project video is here

My project slide