Final Project¶
Composite Sensing Coffee Table¶
Composite coffee table with a Fablab logo light up when people approaching.¶
And Control via bluetooth to turn on or off.¶
Done by someone before.¶
Answering questions¶
What will it do?
Light up a logo when someone approaching to a coffee table. -
Who has done what beforehand?
Tomer Weller, Jeffrey, Jain and more people had did a coffee table. -
What will you design?
A coffee table with smooth surface. -
what materials and components will be used?
Epoxy, paper and electronics. -
Where will they come from?
From local retailer. -
How much will they cost?
Around a hundred. -
What parts and systems will be made?
Table, leds, controller and interface. -
What processes will be used? Composite and bluetooth.
What questions need to be answered?
None. -
How will it be evaluated? Can It lights up when people walk-by.
Licence and spread¶
It will be just publish to web, no further commercial plan.
Someone may ask a customize work.
Any can share it under CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 licence.
updated 6.23.2019
Material provider¶
Most provider for the BOM have serched on a P2P shopping website for cheaper cost.
They are unstable bissness or personal seller keep change what they sell.
For the building tint, search “build tint black silver” to find someone near you.
Composite part¶
Parts | Spec. | Quantity | Approx. cost |
paper | 600 x 900 mm 100p | many | 10 |
Epoxy Resin | 40min operate time | ~3750g | 90 |
Building tint | - | 1500 x 800 mm | 20 |
gift paper | silver | 1 | 1 |
Electronics part¶
Parts | Spec. | Quantity | Approx. cost |
ATtiny 44a | - | 1 | - |
Capacitor | 105 (1uF) | 1 | - |
18 pF | 2 | - | |
Crystal | 20.0 M hz | 1 | - |
HC-05 module | - | 1 | 3 |
LED tape | 12V width 5mm | 1.5 m | 10 |
Pin header | 1x6 | 1 | - |
1x4 | 1 | - | |
2x3 | 2 | - | |
Resistor | 10k ohm | 1 | - |
1k ohm | 1 | - | |
o ohm | 1 | - | |
Relay module | 5V | 1 | 2 |
Transformer | DC 12v to DC 5v | 1 | 1 |
AC 110v to DC 12v | 1 | 3 |
Draw the shape of desktop.
The legs.
And the bottom.
Design of the table done.
Make slices
Arrange pieces for cut.
Make the table¶
Send to vinyl cutter and cut it.
Put them together.
Adding layers.
Add a shiny gift paper as bottom reflector.
It is also good as a finish work but not done yet.
Install a shiny gift paper and LED tape.
Cover the top reflector.
See Week 14 for detail.
Design by Eagle.
Change Led by a relay module to control 12V Led tape.
Draw and make a box to packing board.
updated 6.23.2019
Put the electronics into the box.
Attach to the table.
Because of the Attiny44a will read wrong message if too many “if loop” in code,
the power button of UI does not have its code.
/* Write by Weng, Wei-Sung at Fablab Taipei for fab academy 2019 * CC BY-NC 4.0 licence * Acknowledgement: * Devon Hsin (Maker Xin @ Facebook) - helps for debug. * Hazim Bitar - Bluetooth communication. * Tom Igoe - Serial Event example. */ #include <SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial BTSerial(1, 0); // RX | TX char sense = 1; void setup() { BTSerial.begin(38400); pinMode(2, INPUT); pinMode(3, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // lights up if motion detector works if ((char)sense == '1') { if (digitalRead(2) == HIGH) { digitalWrite(3,HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(3,LOW); } } else { digitalWrite(3,HIGH); } // Bluetooth control if (BTSerial.available()){ char data= (char); if ( data == 'c'){ sense = '1'; } else if (data == 'd'){ sense = '0'; } } }
Make and programing it.
GO and log in with goole account.
Then start a new project.
Name it.
Drag a component you need to cell phone screen,
select it on the list,
give it a unique name,
and check it’s properties.
Swich to blocks and set program.
Blocks are working the same way as desinger do.
To test the app, select ” Connect ” then ” Al Companion “,
scan the QR code by or enter the code on phone.
APK file for android
board traces
board interior
Cut line for the
Board case
Ted Hung
Regional instructors¶
Kai Naito
Rodrigo Diaz
Saverio Silli
Personnel in Fablab Taipei¶
Devon Hsin
Kevin Lai