Week 9

This week I decided to try to use Linux as an operating system for hardware programming. I have long been interested in trying this system because it is mainly used by engineers around the world.

I started by setting up the environment:

  • I took Raspberry Pi as a microcomputer (https://www.raspberrypi.org/)
  • downloaded the Raspbian distribution as recommended on the official website
  • recorded the operating system image on the microSD card and installed the system in steps

I liked the fact that the Linux installation process is very clear, and I had no idea that it was that simple

I started looking for how I could set up the environment for Raspberry to program a simple Attny85 microcontroller

Most of the processes are running in terminal in Linux: First of all I should install avrdude utility

sudo apt-get install bison automake autoconf flex git gcc
sudo apt-get install gcc-avr binutils-avr avr-libc
git clone https://github.com/kcuzner/avrdude 
cd avrdude/avrdude
./bootstrap && ./configure && sudo make install