Week 2

This week I designed my website (this one!), starting with mkdocs tool, written in Python, then switched to Hugo static generator.

I got access to sample mkdocs website through GitLab interface, and started to change Markdown templates right in my web browser

Then I’ve downloaded and installed Git also and set up SSH keys for secured connection between me and my repository. Thanks to the git tutorial, I configured it for a future needs. For web pages coding I used Visual Studio Code by Microsoft

I decided to use another static site generator, Hugo. It’s more powerful than Mkdocs and provides me with great themes. I chose Forty theme, which has it’s own source hosted on Github, the largest repository hoster and code sharing tool.

Development was easy, because Hugo has development server, and I was able to change templates and see changes immediately in my browser, without needing to send code to Gitlab each time. Notice localhost in browser address string – it means website hosted right on my laptop

Forty theme has mobile support, or so-called adaptive feature. It means interface will look great both on desktop and mobile devices

During development, I used GIMP to make image cropping and optimise my assets.