Week 1
Principles and practices

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Assignment: Plan and sketch a potential final project
Learning outcomes: Communicate an initial project proposal
Assessment: Have you: a) sketched your final project idea/s, b) described what it will do and who will use it


Initial Design

I am currently working with a team from Codettes foundation( which is an initiative I started about a year now to inspire educate and bring awareness to girls in innovation and ict http://www.codettes.org/) to upscale a previous IOT for Agriculture Solution which we had developed in the Kosmos/IT-Core HackOmation 2018 in Paramaribo Suriname. My team had built a fixed iot solution for monitoring and controlling a small scale farm at the Local Kosmos/IT-Core HackOmation 2018 in Paramaribo Suriname but then we encountered the problem of what is going to happen if someone wants to use that same system to monitor and control a medium or large scale farm how were they going to do that.

My team and I then designed a open layered architecture where instead of having our sensors directly connected to our mcu and directly connected to our gateway which we were using an raspberry pi 3 with loraWan we were going to make these sensors wireless eliminating the wires and make them communicate over some sort of communication layer (which we in the end decided to use lorawan for covering wider range when sensing on a large scale farm or wifi for small and medium scale farms) and then the data is monitored and controlled centralized via a mobile or web dashboard. By having these sensors modular and wireless and having them communicate to a centralized platform we can solve the problem of covering small medium and large scale farm with the same iot solution.We were no longer fixed to cables or having to run long cables all the way to the back of a farm to do simple sensing or controlling.

Greentubes Architecture

I am hoping in this fab academy I can design ,model, program and create one of the node which will be sensing temperature, humidity and soil moisture and sending it over wifi to our centralized dashboard which is hosted on our gateway(raspberry pi+lorawan) for local access and syncing online for access over the internet. I am excited to build my own node because now I can make the node from scratch.I will be able to make the pcb more small and compact and also the enclosure the exact size needed for my final project instead of using already existing microcontrollers which usually have more digital input pins than I actually need making the construction too big and bulky.

Final Project Node

Who will use it?

Home/Hobbiest farmers , small and medium scale farmers

What will it look like?

- The casing will be made out of wood or plastic. I will be focusing on making the case look very similar to a stick from an actual tree so that it can blend into the environment when placed in the soil to monitor soil moisturiser..I will be using a 3D modelling program to 3D print the enclosure.

What will it do?

Let us call my end project “STICK” for now I know it is not that creative but it fits the purpose haha. Stick will be used to monitor temperature humidity and soil moisture. On click of a button the device will be powered on and connected to local network and the measurements will be taken and sent to the network. Stick will also have a build in oled screen which will display a sad face or happy face based on if the soil has enough moisture necessary for the specific plant and if the temperature and humidity is on the correct threshold.

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