7. Electronics design¶
Group assignment:¶
The group assignment can be viewed using this link
Individual assignment:¶
This week, we needed to design and produce a board which we can program with the ATtiny microcontroller. I had to redraw the echo hello-world board; to add a button and LED; to check the design rules, make it and test it.
I started by creating a new project in KiCad, and added the fab library with components and footprints.
Then open your schematic editor
Use this icon to add components. First look for ATTiny44:
Then add other components
When finish, make the connections between components following Niels design.
Use these option to connect the components
When the circuit is ready you have to:
- Annotate schematic symbols
- Assign PCB footprints to schematic symbols
- Generate netlist
- Update PCB from schematic
Thanks to my classmate Jullie Sundar who figured out how to use a dfx file to shape the outer perrimitor of the board, I decided to shape mine as an turtle.
When the pcb design is ready, use the plot option to generate gerber files:
Select F.Cu and Edge.Cuts
The girber files are open in flatcam to make the Gcode.
- tool: 0.4
- cut z: -0.15
- travel z: 1.5
- spindle: 7000
- tool: 0.8
- cut z: -1.5
- travel z: 1.5
- multidepth: 0.5
- spindle: 7000
Then I solderd the components to the turtle. Also I found a mistake that I forgot one trace so I fixed this with a jumper cable:
To test the board I programmed it. Using Arduino I burnt the bootloader and loaded a program to the board. This are the settings for the new board:
Then I tested that when the button is pushed the led turn on: