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2. Project management

Individual assignment:

This week assignment was to create a website, publish it and get acquainted with Gitlab by completing a Gitlab tutorial.


I decide to use mkdocs for my website. It is easy to learn and to use.

To make a title only the character “#” is needed.

A subtitle is created with “##”.

Any general text does not require any code instruction.

For images, the images, the code is “![](address) ” is needed, where address refers to the image location.

Links to other pages or websites uses the code”[link text](url)”


Because I did not get Gitlab from the get go, I seeked a lot of council from my class mates who helped me understand the following. First you need to download Gitbash to generate an SSH key for security :

When Gitbash is installed you generate the SSH key as instructed here:

This lockes the device your working on to the git cloud via your email so you can edit and push content concerning your projects.

After generating an SSH key on a laptop I borrowed from John Howard van der Zijden, which I am very grateful for, I got myself a new laptop and needed to pair it with Gitlab by locating an existing SSH pair.

Afterwards, I located the SSH key:

I removed the old pair from Git

And I was ready to get going on my Gitlab website.

I also had to build a website. I decided for now to use a template as adviced by my classmate and I will try to personalize the html code later on in the process, because so far I do not have a lot of experience with programming of websites. The template has already a specific folder structure and it is only necessary to enter information using this MKDocs template.

To get content on my Git website, I worked offline using Sublime Text. The information that I used for the Git website was stored as follows:

cd myfolder: enter myfolder

Documents; Fabacademy2019; dave-simson

The following commands that I learned in Git Bash:

git status: to show files that were changed and should be added

git add: to store changes in the working repository

git commit -m: to commit changes in the working repository

git push: to push changes to remote repository


Software: Gitbash, Sublime tekst editor

Hardware : Laptop.

What I learned:

I learned that I made a lot of typing errors becuase of dyslexia. And because I am a visual person, I researched online and found a tutorial about Processing, that I want to learn as coding practice.