FAB LAB Khairpur Sukkur IBA Sukkur IBA University Khairpur Campus
Merit, Quality, Excellence

Week - 1

Principles and Practices, Presentations, and Introductions


•Build a personal site describing you and your final project.

•Plan and sketch a final project and add it to your website.

Final Project Idea

My Idea for final project is to design a Automatic Hot Water Dispenser, the reason behind this idea is that, In winter i used to drink warm water and it is dificult for me to hot the water on stove when you need.I am belong remote area, where unavailability of gas, There is use to cook or making tea by burning of wood.

Why drink hot beverages and water in winter?The cold and flu season is no fun. The sniffling, sneezing and headaches add up to a big discomfort for many.

While there is no cure for the common cold or flu, there is an organic way you can fight it, by drinking adequate amounts of water. Water helps to wash germs and viruses out of your immune system and keeps the body hydrated.

Warming up with a cup of hot tea not only soothes the soul, but when used to replace a sugary beverage can decrease calories and help you lose weight. Drink tea often to keep your antioxidant levels high throughout the day.

Antioxidants offer a number of health benefits, and they have been touted as a possible preventative of diseases, ranging from cancer to Alzheimer’s. Research suggests that antioxidants can indeed be effective in preventing a number of age-related diseases.

All teas contain a group of antioxidants called polyphenols that can help promote health. Even though the research available is “hot and cold” regarding whether drinking tea can help prevent chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, increasing your antioxidants can help promote good health!

Rough Sketch

For making the sketch first I have to plan the size of the Hot water tank and after that i have to make wooden box for circuitry

Rough Sketch



Block Diagram of a circuit

Input Device

Ultrasonic senser and temperature senser used as input device.

Output Device

Water immersion heater and solenoid valve used as output devices


I am going to use Arduino Uno in this project as controller which is further attached with Utrasonic sensor, Solenoid valve, and Temperature sensor. Temperature sensor sense the temp: of water and shows on mobile app. After that Ultrasonic sensor sense the object and gives signal to solenoid valve to open or close the valve .

Comparision with Present Dispensers

There is big difference between my final project and available dispenser in market because of desire temperature and too high cost about 170$ to 300$, So i want to costruct the Cheapest Hot water dispenser at required temperature. In addition feature you can control easily by mobile app.


Rough Sketch

Project Timeline

Learning Outcomes

• 3D Modeling
• Laser cutting
• Microcontroller board development
• Programming
• Wiring
• Management

Creative Commons License
Automatic Hot Water Dispenser by Tariq Ahmed Shaikh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://fabacademy.org/2019/labs/khairpur/students/tariq-ahmed/