3D printing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file, 3D printing is any of various processes in which material is joined or solidified under computer control to
create a three-dimensional object.The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material
until the object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the eventual object and also 3D printing enables you to produce complex (functional)
shapes using less material than traditional manufacturing methods. And 3D Scanning is a process of capturing shapes of an object using a 3D scanner, this technology allows us to create a 3
dimensional object. By using 3D scanning device we will be able to capture a digital copy of physical object, then the resulted file will be a 3D file on computer, which can be printed later,
using 3D printer.
Tasks of the Week
Group Assignment:
Test the design rules for your 3D printer(s)
Individual Assignment:
>Design and 3D print an object (small size, few centimeters) that could not be made subtractively
>3D scan an object and print it (printing of the 3D scanned object is optional)
Group Assignment
The main purpose of this group assignment is to understand how to operate the 3D-printer, and includes how precise work could be done with these 3D-printers.
For the group assignment we have to print an object, as a test object for this we have download a file from the Thingiverse. A test design for the 3D printing.
We download this file from Thingiverse for the test. Test design
Then we opend this file in the Cura software in our Pc and made setting according to our need and printer.
Open the Cura.
Click on the open file.
Select the .stl file you want to print and press open.
Now we have two options(Recomanded and Custum).We selected Custum.
Now make the settings.
We set the layer hieght 0.1, infill density 40% and speed 50mm/s.
Click on the support and generate support everywhere and selest any pattern you need and adjust the support density.
In last click on the prepare, now cura will show you the virtual printing of the part, support in red color, time and file where to save.
Now .gcode file is generated Save it and import it to the printer.
On the small screen of the printer click on the print.
Select the job and press it.
Wait for the printer's preparing for the bed and nozzel.
After heating up the bed and nozzil it will start printing.
SO this the final the final printed object.
In this test part we learned about the machine Calliberation and the precesion of the machine, like you can see in the image of printed object that there are differnet sizes of hole , different small cylinders and curves,
shapes and text on the object.
What We Understand.
How musch precise the 3D-printer is?
What minimum diameter we can have?
Making different angles, holes, curved/irregular surfaces
How sharp edges could be printed?
It is better to calibrate 3D Printer before giving job, otherwise test results may effect.
Individual Assignment
For the individual assignment of this week we have to made a 3d printed object, for this task there was limitation that design could not be made subtractively and must be small, few cm3 and limited by printer time.So i started my work and tried some designs and finally i draw an additive design in mind and then tried on solidworks.
Here are snaps of parts of design on SolidWorks.
Base of design
Part 2 Assembly
Now this is the final Design part.
Here I completed parts of the design and assembled it , so the next step was to make a STL file of this design, first I was making the Stl of the assembly part and it was making different STL files of all the parts,but I have to made an additive design so for I need it as a part not different parts of product, So first I made it a part from the assembly.
Finally the STL file of the object is generated.
The next was to import this file to the CURA so I can make settings according to my need and my printer.
We have available printers in lab are the UltiMaker 2+, UltiMaker 2 Extended and Prusa i3.
So for that I download the CURA for UltiMaker printer and import my STL file on Cura.
I open STL file on cura.
Here i made changes according to my need and printer.
Now printer is printing the object. Printing
Remove the support
Finally my 3D printed Object is ready.You can see in the above pic there is tolerance in the design so after removing the support the part is moving freely left or right and also the ball can be move freely.
3D Scanning
For this task we have to Scan a 3d object or any thing else,We started our work with the Sense 3D Scanner. For this first we had to download the software in our PC.
I started to scan an boject with Sense scanner.
But in the final result it was making problems and it was not scannig the object corretly, So i moved for the other options
I tried an app(SCANN3D)
But I failed to scan an object in this way.
So I moved to the next option, and I tried the the Kinect. For this I installed the Kinect studio in my PC and started my work. I tried to scan myself.
So this is the final Scanned result.
So finally the Individual part is commpleted here.