About me

I am Ali Haider Hundal.
I Completed my bachelor degree in Mechatronics from SZABIST University Kacrchi.
I love to learn and make new things, coding, robotics and I am very passionate about designing and building solutions to indignous problems.I am attending Fab Academy course as a human resource
component of the first Fab Academy Lab being established in Pakistan. I am very excited to be part of the Fab Academy becasuse this program is all about making things.
I am really interested in new technologies and digital fabrication.
Beside learning, I am in love with nature and love to explore all the beautiful places God has created on this planet.
Science is about knowing, Engineering is about doing.(Henry Petroski)
Nothing makes an engineer more productive, than the "LAST MINUTE".
I am Ali Haider Hundal.
I Completed my bachelor degree in Mechatronics from SZABIST University Kacrchi.
I love to learn and make new things, coding, robotics and I am very passionate about designing and building solutions to indignous problems.I am attending Fab Academy course as a human resource
component of the first Fab Academy Lab being established in Pakistan. I am very excited to be part of the Fab Academy becasuse this program is all about making things.
I am really interested in new technologies and digital fabrication.
Beside learning, I am in love with nature and love to explore all the beautiful places God has created on this planet.
Science is about knowing, Engineering is about doing.(Henry Petroski)
Nothing makes an engineer more productive, than the "LAST MINUTE".