Provide a convenient way to securely exchange files and communication "off the grid" by acting as a Secure Scuttlebutt (SSC) client and peering with nearby clients over Wifi and/or Bluetooth. The device will be powered by a solar panel and batteries. It can be turned on by pressing a button (or maybe via Bluetooth LE. After that it will boot the main computer and either display information on how to connect or the access point pops up a portal page with instructions. After 15 minutes it will send a shutdown signal to the access point.
I will be using an existing SSB implementation and a Raspberry Pi Zero W. I will also use an existing charging controller, but if I have enough time I will try to create my own board for that.
A weather resistant and unsuspicious case. A board that turns on the Raspberry Pi and communicates with it to get information about the connection and keep track of the uptime.
All either from Ebay or from the FabLab
The "disguised" and weather resistant case and the board that controls the access point.
Laser cutting or milling, vacuum forming, 3D printing, PCB milling
How long can the batteries provide power for the Raspberry Pi? How long do they need to recharge completely? Is the Pi powerful enough?
The project is successful when it's running ssb-server, messages can be exchanged via patchwork, no external power is needed, users can turn it on and it can easily be attached to something like a tree.
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