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0. About this documentation

Welcome to the overview of this documentation! Here I’ll discuss some tips & tools I’ll be using all through Fab Academy that you will find useful if you are coursing the Fab Academy, something related, or you’re here just for the joy of reading (I’m fascinated with technology-based entertainment, such as blogs, videos, tutorial, and a big etcetera). I’ll test a lot of different options and will probably be changing them constantly, so stay tuned to see this evolution.

I love, I mean, really love to use a lot of links in my documentation. Having wrote articles about cinema, music and having a personal blog, I like to share info further beyond what I’m telling. I think it’s a vital part of the storytelling to show interests and inspirations from other sources, so I’ll make them all available in my documentation as many times as I can.


Taking screenshots is a vital action you’ll find doing more than ever when you’re documenting what you’re doing. For that is very important to use a tool that is both fast and simple, but powerful and costumizable. For taking screenshots, at first I used LightShot, and it was my only option for a long time, as I didn’t needed something more powerful. But after the first two weeks of Fab Academy, I found that I would need something a little bit more practical and costumizable. That’s why I began experimenting with other tools. I find this guide with options for taking fast screenshots in Windows 10. I’m sure that most of the options mentioned are available in other OS. Right now I’m testing PicPick, come back soon to see if that’s my definite tool for screenshots or is a complete fail! It offers a lot of great features, as hot keys, selecting the output directory, the image format.