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Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

After this weeks class (you can see the class here). I decided to add a Creative Commons License to my project. I like the idea of sharing the project and I'm thinking on building a community around my project, interested in the intersection of art, science and technology, so this philosophy of sharing is what I'm looking for.

The first step to choose a License is to go to the Creative Commons website, and select the option Choose a license.

There is some short questions that I needed to answer in order to have a proper license.

As I still don't know if I want to commercialize this project, I chose the option of not allowing commercial uses of my work, and to allow adaptions of my work to be shared, as long as others share alike. I think this last point is fundamental on building a community that make contributions to the project.

The license selected was: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

This allows for anyone to remix, transform and work on the project, without revoking freedom of use of the project. And you can't use the material for commercial purposes.

I think this selection of license is ideal for the beginning of this project. Maybe in the future I can open the license and make it Free Culture License.

Dissemination plan for the final project

The project has been in development for more than a year. The first version of the console just had 8 potentiometers, and used an Arduino to interface the sensors to the computer using Processing. The idea to expand the sensors to more organic, DIY, soft, and squishy is one of the main goles for my Fabacademy final project. The other main goal is to have my own pcb designed and fabricated. Although the idea of keep using Arduino as the main board as a lateral project I think could help to develop a proper community of DIY artists that uses the console and expand on it. So for the future of this project,

So for the future of this project, after FabAcademy, I want to work more on the modularity part of the sensors,have a Github paage for both versions of the console, the Arduino-based one, and the FabAcademy version, and would love ot explore the idea of having the FabAcademy version as an actual product.