Molding and casting

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    individual assignment:
      design a mold around the stock and tooling that you'll be using,
         mill it (rough cut + (at least) three-axis finish cut),
         and use it to cast parts
    group assignment:
      review the safety data sheets for each of your molding and casting materials,
         then make and compare test casts with each of them



Started to print the model I thought on using as a Necklace for my niece

To undestand and analyse the aesthetics of the idea, Then went to Milling workflow...

Design file

since I'd made the print from a fusion360 design, id exported it to DXF

open the DXF in EASEL, and got this Bad result

So I decided to went to Inskape to make a new design...

This was ok for Easel...

define Material

But CarveY does not have the Z-axis enought to cut the Resin of 34 mm thickness, so we decided to use MDF as material for the molding...

Milling it in a three-axis machine

Opened the file in online program EASEL

with the following settings:

Locally we'd just this two bits:

It is important to well secure the MDF to cutting bed....

after milling, due to the absorption of MDF, I'd used Verniz to prepare the Molding
