Computer-Controlled Machining

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        - individual assignment:
           (design + mill + assemble) something big


Design in Fusion 360

Autodesk Fusion 360 is gaining relevance in the Prototyping world, mostly due to its continuous advances in the comunity oriented needs, such is the case of CAM and Manufacture

CAM/Manufacture workspace

to learn I used the regular good source of knowledge, the Autodesk Learning - Manufacture, from which is worth documenting here the following concepts and techniques:

2D machining strategies

3D machining strategie

Dogbone addin for fusion 360


I decided to download the Thingiverse file Japanese Wood Joint, and test some:

Machining principles

inspired by the documentation on guerrila guide

Test equipament

I'd fallowed the group assigment tests from ISAAC Pierreand created a design that will allow me to test the machining on different materials.

Parametric design to test Machining

We can change the paremeter's for:

Source files in Fusion 360


Local Tools

in our Lab we have the Inventables X-CARVE® 1000mm which uses the online software EASEL


X-Carve dimensions

X-Carve 1000x1000 - in real its available only a cutting area of 700x700, due to the space ocuped by cutting head.


  1. It's necessary to position the Material inside the Available Cutting Area. We need to attach the Material to machine bed using Hand-Drill
  2. Open EASEL - we need the Software to actuate the Machine on next steps
  3. Open Machine Control Button - Red One
  4. Manual Place the Drill on the Drill Older
  5. Z probe - fallowing easel wizard -
  6. Zet X and Y Zero
  7. Manual turn-on Drill head
  8. Verify Drill Spead (manualy)
  9. Attach Brum to the Cutting Head -
  10. EASEL - Start Carve - and fallow software steps...
  11. Manualy Turn-ON exhauster
  12. Carve Complete
  13. Unsetting the machine -
