Write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that you made,

comparing as many tool options as possible.

Doing the assignment

In this assignment,I had to put together an app for the cell phone. I used App inventor.

App Inventor in which such applications are created for various devices but through blocks relationships in a didactic way.

When you open the program, it shows you a blank sheet that simulates the Android screen of a cell phone or device. This program has a palette of resources to use as “Button”, “text box” which are tools that serve to outline the design of the App.

First, I design the app, We used this options : HorizontalArrangement, HorizontalScrollArrangement, button,ClienteBluetooth and Notificador.

You can see the desing of the app.

It starts by defining the entities in the application, and choosing the blocks that represent the function to perform.

In the connection block you make a configuration, if it is connected you can access the app, and if it is not connected, a message “DISCONNECTED” is sent, you have to connect via bluetooth.

In the spinner option we put three elements to choose from: Cuba Libre, Pisco Sour, Tequila Sunrise.Only one must be selected and then sent. Then the dc motors will be in motion.

The project is called ProgramaAppInventorMayraAcademy

if you want to save to your computer, you put this option

Before you must have the bluetooth of your cell phone active and connected to the bluetooh that we will use, which has the name of “FAB_ESAN”

You can see the design of the App, and put connect

Connect with the bluetooth “FAB_ESAN”

we can select only one option and we send.

Electronic part

For this assignment, For the assignment, I used the fabkit made in the previous weeks, as well as the H - BRIDGE that I designed and manufactured in my assignment of OUTPUT DEVICES. To complement and test my application that I designed in appInventor, I used a module bluetotth HC-05 which is a my fabkit, and I was able to make the communication. As I show in the video.

A bluetooth module was used for arduino in slave mode and the bluetooth of a cell phone.

This is because we focus on the app’s exploration for interface and not on the hardware implementation itself.

Through serial communication, we see that if we put Cuba Libre and click on send, we get through the function that we put on the Arduino as option “A” and we get “movimiento1” The movements (movimiento) mean that the valve corresponding to the selected beverage is activated, Pisco Sour is option “B” and we get “movimiento2”, Tequila Sunrise is option “C” and we get “movimiento3”, each movement is different from the motor.

You can download the files by clicking on the bullets point.

You can see the video, click on the bullet point.