19. Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

Chose a license

I take Eidha Alrashdi as a reference to me to chose my license. He documented every step simply.

So I followed these steps.

First I opened Creative Commons website. Then I chose a license

For this step you need to fill your data

Finally, you can copy the embedded code and past in your page

Create the slide presentation

I used GIMP to create my images.

From file >> New >> Select the required size ‘1920x1080’

Then ok…

Develop a Plan for Dissemination of The Final Project

I consider my final project as a prototype… It’s a small scale when we say it a facade…

Also I used very simple pattern without any Creativity … this is not my issue for this stage … The output I supposed to learn from this project is the integration …

The knowledge how to pass the whole process… when I get this point, it will be more easy to develop my project.

So, I see, I can start with new pattern ‘folding patterns’ and the origami shapes is inspire me a lot and sure I want to start in this point ‘more complex design’ … Also, I want to develop more in interfacing and communications, using many features and options that users need. When your design interacts with users with a right way, makes the feel comfortable and meets their needs, It will be succeed!

So this is my plan for the future to develop my project…