

Final Project


Principles and Practices (week 01)


Here goes nothing! 

Group Assignment: (None for this week)


Individual Assignment (plan and sketch a potential final project)


Hello world……. My name is Sylvain Brunet and, if you have read my “Introduction” section here, you already know I am among several thing a high school science and technology teacher for adults. In the course of my career I often faced situation where I would say: "if we only had this kind of devices or the money to buy commercial ones I could illustrate really well and in real time so many concepts I have to teach my students / trainee’s". It is probably the major force that has driven me across the years to build myself such devices to assist me in my work.

Years ago, while researching for didactical approach teaching nervous system, I stumbled on an electronic device measuring the electrical impulsions created when one individual muscle flexes. This was from Instructables website ( ). This prototype offered a simple, yet efficient breadboard device interfaced with an Arduino to display the muscle contraction electrical traces on a computer screen.

Having no prior experience in such electronics field, I resorted to approach the problematic task on my own and following trials and errors I was able to make an oversized, breadboard circuit which can be seen here (well what’s left of it!!!):

This prototype, although cumbersome and balky, yielded functionality and proved to be very useful at the time for our course curriculum. For this reason and for durability qualities, transportation and to facilitate handling around a biology laboratory classroom, I want to translate this device into a case enclosed pcb. It could ultimately be built into series to share with other Adults Education Center offering same high school science and technology program we are. It would from outside look a little like this (Reproduced from Advancer Technologies,

And this concludes the brief presentation of my main project, I will add to this page if time permits, quite a lot has to happen before I can claim I have my final project at hand, but time is of the essence here, I joined the academy late, after this cohort started, so I am trying to catch up the train here !!! If you would now, follow me into this journey...

 Onto week 2