Final Project Proposals
Final Project Proposal #1
Dear reader for now I’ve got 2 potential projects I would love to make.
The first one is a CNC machine that carves on ready walls. Sounds awesome isn’t it?
There’s a stone called Tuff also known as volcanic tuff. Tuff is a relatively soft rock,
so it has been used for construction since ancient times. In my country tuff is the main
construction material and you can find them everywhere. I thought maybe we can make those
ready walls become a canvas and tell something…
I will need:
1. A big metal rail
2. Bearings
3. Stepper motors
4. Spindle motor
5. Not sure about control unit.
I need to learn how to get precision from stepped motors
I need to learn how to make PCBs and program them on low level
I need to learn how to efficiently use 2D and 3D drawing softwares.
Would love to learn Rhino and Grasshopper.
Final Project Proposal #2
I’ve got another project idea, more futuristic and useful device, that’s a smart classroom chair. The idea is super interesting for me since I’m a teacher. So it has tension or force sensor(s) a microcontroller and a transmitter to connect to central unit that collects data from all chairs in the class. This is rather simple device in terms of technology but if you got a class of 16 of this chairs you get attendance records precisely in seconds and you can monitor how active were students during the class, and maybe you can monitor their weight too. You can compare each class in terms of how active they were during the class. And you can get many more very interesting statistics…

I will need:
Sheets of plywood
Force resistance sensors
PCB board

For this project I need to learn:
How to make composite plywood sheets and forming them.
How to transfer and receive digital data via radio waves.
How to sample resistor values and send them.
How to map this system so that each chair would have a unique id like MAC address in networking