This week assignment is to make personal site and push it to the server. Actually, it's something new and I have not done it before. I listened to Niel lecture and I started searching to get this assignment done.
I have a little experince using HTML code and how to start header or body and so on. But I have no idea how to design the template. So, I used ready one from templatemo I started editing the template starting with index page
I used normal notepad to edit at first
After some searching, I found an amazing tool to edit which called Notepad++
The sections are well arranged and the colors make the editing easy
I'm going to explain some commands using HTML:
- Adding heading text: < h4 > the text should be written here </ h4 >
- Adding normal text: < p > the text should be written here </ p >
- Adding link with clickable text: < a href="link should be copied here" > Shown clickable text </ a >
- Adding an image: < div class="heading" > < img src="the image's path"> </ div >
working through a git tutorial and building a personal site in the class archive describing me and my final project
Create new SSH and new website
First, I've done the following steps
1. Download Putty for windows
2. Open PuttyGen
3. Click on Generate to generate new SSH public and private
4. Adding the key to gitLab personal page
5. Download git terminal for Windows
6. Create Master file and start pushing and pulling
I'm going to explain some commands using git bash:
- Going to specific directory (folder) : cd folder name
- Making the folder as master : git init (after selecting the folder)
- Status or the changes : git status
- Adds a change in the working directory to the staging area : git add
- Commit the changes that you have done to be as record : git commit
- Pushing the files or new changes to the server : git push
Student's Agreement: students