Read a microcontroller data sheet
program your board to do something, with as many different programming languages
and programming environments as possible
extra credit: experiment with other architectures
In the Electronic Production I start to read the Attiny 44 Datasheet, for understand his internal functions and the pins configurazion, after I start to configure Arduino IDE for program my hello board.
First I need to know the Attiny 44 Pins
After this operation, I set the FabIsp as the programmer and the internal clock of the Attiny 44. We can set the clock at 20 Mhz but the resonator(that increase the clock of the chip to 20 Mhz) is not aviable at the moment and we use the internal clock of the Attiny, that can be set at 8 Mhz.
Now we can program the Attiny 44 with the Arduino IDE.
For more information about program the Attiny 44 see "Electronic Design" of my exercises.
For program attiny44 I set the chipname and the programmer I use. I my case I can use my FabISp or Arduino as isp for program my board.
I set the internal clock frequency of the attiny44
at 8 Khz.
We can choose also to use Arduino as Isp, but we build the FabIsp for program other custom pcb boards.
I create my sketch in the Arduino IDE, and I set the pin I use on the board.
For Upload the Sketch in my board we use the istruction program for upload sketch by a programmer,
You can find other important information how program Attiny 44 using arduino IDE, on this tutorial
I do 3 different sketch with the Arduino IDE: Button, Blink, and Fade; the file can be download on this repository
My sketch: Here
Programmming C
For program in C I need to use a virtual machine with a Linux OS. In my case I Use Xubuntu
I found some information on the previuous students' archieve. I found a tutorial of
Irina Cherniakova. It is very useful!!
Also I found another tutorial of
Sabina Barcucci
This is my program in C. I must do other test, for understand better how I can program the Attiny 44 in future.
At the moment I use Atom for write the program in C, and I need to have two files for program Attiny 44 in C. The firts File is to create the make file; i download and modify It from
Fab Academy Archieve 2017. The Second File is the program
This are my files
After this Step I need to open the Virtual Machine with Linux and import the files i download before, and the file I create with Atom