Wildcard week

Group Assignment

For this week's assignment, composite tests are requested.


For our case we have made a simple test using 2 configurations:
A test with 2 cotton fibers plus one carbon fiber and another test with a configuration of 3 cotton fibers and 1 carbon fiber. The configurations are appreciated in the picture.


To begin with, we use iron plates of great weight to make a pressing and that the resin adheres perfectly between the fabrics. Each plate will be daubed with a neutral shoe polish to work as a release agent for both cases.


An epoxy resin compound with the 2 to 1 ratio will be prepared with the resin catalyst. A small disposable cup will be used and filled to the middle of the glass with compound A and half of compound b.

For this first test we will do a bit of quick calculations to know if the real work should be well controlled.


After having applied a layer of release agent, one of the fabrics is soaked with a lot of resin and left on the surface of the bitumen, then another layer of resin is applied and so on until it reaches the carbon fiber layer.

It is very important to be clear that the fabrics must be with the strands in opposite directions so that you can stick the fabrics with the resin
Let stand about 12 hours with the plates placed.