About Me

Solving problems and synthesizing designs of my imagination are the result of my interest in the analysis, planning and construction of infrastructures. I study the architectural career because it allows me to leave my functional sense, orthogonal in the interpretation and perception of objects.
In the process of my academic training, I started using 3d printing as a support for the construction of my projects, since most of the existing materials in the market do not allow me to elaborate organic designs. In the center of technological innovation, I found a space of creation and optimal production to develop projects. One of these, achieved the category of finalist in an international contest of social infrastructure projects. Next, I will show you some of my projects

Also, under the charge and supervision of Architec Edwin Motte Sauter, the Pavilion of Peru was developed and materialized in the Venice Biennial 2018, which was developed in the CIT-ULIMA laboratories. My short-term goal is to complete the Fab Lab academy 2019 program, since it will allow me to overcome my skills in the development and use of new technologies.

"En Reserva", pavilion of Peru at the Venice Biennale 2018.