2. Project management¶
This week I had three tasks which are as follows:
- Setting up my gitlab, fablab and github accounts.
- Clone repository and do an offline push.
- Update the profile and sign the Student Agreement.
Setting up Accounts¶
For the first task i setup my Fablabs, Gitlab and GitHub account first, then i signed into my gitlab account and activated Social-sign in and selected both fablabs and github.
Clone the Repository¶
Creating SSH Key¶
For the Second task i was supposed to create SSH key
For the second task i must have a Git Terminal in my computer. I downloaded GitBash because it is a powerful and popular tool with tutorials and forums available online. After downloading and installing GitBash, i opened the terminal and entered the following:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “mymailidhere@gmail.com” and pressed enter key The terminal asked to enter the passphrase. I pressed enter to leave it as blank so as to not put a password on my repository
Cloning my repository¶
After creating SSHkey I used the following command to show the SSH key in its entirety, I then copied the code and pasted it in my Gitlab profile.
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Vijay@LAPTOP-H2F8JQO0 MINGW64 ~/desktop $ cd Vijay@LAPTOP-H2F8JQO0 MINGW64 ~ $ cd documents Vijay@LAPTOP-H2F8JQO0 MINGW64 ~/documents $ cd fabacademy Vijay@LAPTOP-H2F8JQO0 MINGW64 ~/documents/fabacademy $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ssh-rsa 8BTby8Awv2PrHBwvSy8+lksiz581SfFehwG5+tGo17t1RkBZ69Geyzrv/W/hD5h6z7JU5UmyJhD19Nw== vijaychandu93@gmail.com Vijay@LAPTOP-H2F8JQO0 MINGW64 ~/documents/fabacademy $ git clone git@gitlab.fabcloud.org:academany/fabacademy/2019/labs/chandigarh/students/vijay-pidikiti.git Cloning into 'vijay-pidikiti'... remote: Counting objects: 237, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (105/105), done. remote: Total 237 (delta 140), reused 214 (delta 123) Receiving objects: 100% (237/237), 4.67 MiB | 255.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (140/140), done. Vijay@LAPTOP-H2F8JQO0 MINGW64 ~/documents/fabacademy $ cd Vijay@LAPTOP-H2F8JQO0 MINGW64 ~ $ cd documents/fabacademy Vijay@LAPTOP-H2F8JQO0 MINGW64 ~/documents/fabacademy $ ls vijay-pidikiti Vijay@LAPTOP-H2F8JQO0 MINGW64 ~/documents/fabacademy $ cd Vijay@LAPTOP-H2F8JQO0 MINGW64 ~ $ cd documents/fabacademy/vijay-pidikiti Vijay@LAPTOP-H2F8JQO0 MINGW64 ~/documents/fabacademy/vijay-pidikiti (master) $ git pull Already up to date. Vijay@LAPTOP-H2F8JQO0 MINGW64 ~/documents/fabacademy/vijay-pidikiti (master) $ git add --all Vijay@LAPTOP-H2F8JQO0 MINGW64 ~/documents/fabacademy/vijay-pidikiti (master) $ git commit -m "first offline git push" On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working tree clean Vijay@LAPTOP-H2F8JQO0 MINGW64 ~/documents/fabacademy/vijay-pidikiti (master) $ git push Everything up-to-date
Installing text editors¶
I was introduced to two text editors they were Brackets and Windows Visual Studio of the two I liked Visual studio code because I can integrate bash terminal.
Integrating Gitbash as a default:
1. Open the command palette using Ctrl + Shift + P.
2. Type - Select Default Shell.
3. Select Git Bash from the options.
4. Click on the + icon in the terminal window.
5. The new terminal now will be a Git Bash terminal.
Creating Website¶
I had two options for my website one was html based code and other is markdown code, eitherway with my experience I can only edit a template. So, I chose to edit a markdown template as it was simple to edit it required no experience whatsoever.
Virtually it will be like editing a word document with an exception for learning a little syntax for text effects.
Learning the syntax for markdown is simple, this Website will give you a quick tutorial on text editing in markdown. It took me around 5-10 minutes get the hang of it.
I tried my hand in html website but I had no experience in CSS and JSS scripts so I refrained from trying it out. The Advantage I felt was that a HTML website is much expressive and personal so I might try it out.
I got the template for my current website from gitlab which was made by Fiore. When I cloned my repository the website skeleton was cloned in my computer. I am yet to try editing the YML file.