20. Project development

What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

Electronic Circuit

I could design my own arduino circuit by my own!! and I am going to use it for the robot.


for the robot I found a very useful basic strategy from MIT that can be implemented to design any engineering project and I was inspired to follow it:

a further demonstration:

Additionally for project development, engineers generally conduct a trade-off between performance, cost, schedule and risk.

I decided to design the robot with 20% Human shaped, 35% animalist as pinguen symbolism in the psychological world has multiple different meanings for example it symbolizes the importance of social connection and teamwork, community and togetherness to survive. Moreover, Pinguen tottem represents purpose and order. It represnts right conduct and good manners as it reminds humans to follow rules evem when no body is looking.. I believe this would be a great example and motivation for kids, they can be always be motivated and inpired by Phlaton if it looks like a pinguen. A further point about the morophology 15% of the design is system-like and 30% science friction character as many people are impressed with Eva from Walle and I believe my nephew will find it more attractive to talk with phlaton if it looks as a movie character that he can recognise.

What has worked? what hasn’t?

everything went all good as the circuit is working well and I just have to modify the the 3d design before printing it, the structure I made by acrylic and I had to maniplulate with the design multiple times because I wasnt sure about how I want to sort everything inside the robot.

What questions need to be resolved?

are the components will fit smoothly inside the robot once I assmble everything together?

what will happen when?

I will modify the design of the robot through solidworks and then will print it before next thrusday. and will start to complete documentation on some parts of the previous assignments as well as my final project page.

what have you learned?

merging my final project with the weekly assignments helped me to progress, and learn a lot. I can see how much I have learned in these multiple weeks. I am happy and excited to see me completing my final project which is an RC robot. I am walking in the city and relating all what I have learned to what I see, how everything is designed and made through mechatronics and artifical intellegence. through fab academy I have learned that I can do anything that I can imagine and there is no limitation to make it real and every person on earth has a creative mind that can build a creaive project. from 2d designing to make stickers into parametric designing to make press-fits and antiques or decoration by the cnc or lasser cutter as well as cast and molding by using wax and building my own electronics circuit then programming them and building my own mobbile application to control my own robot! it wasnt an easy journey but totally worth the effort and the dedication of the hard work.