My project is a Sound reactive LED speakers mapped with the amplitude of the sound waves it will receive via speakers.
i will be made by 5mm thick acrylic sheet with aparemetric pressfit design so that it can be scale according
to the size of the crowd and the space of the room.
It will be Laser Cut and the strips neopixel LED strips will be mounted on the Slots which will be mapped according to the sound.
For input I'll be using Analog Mic module and Output will be Neopixel LEDs of 5V supply.
I'll be redesigning Satshakit for m purpose using Atmega 328p AU chip for the Board and Analog Input pin as input and Analno pin as the output.
The amplifer Board will be a custom made LA-4440 IC which is power amplifier IC.
For the bluetooth connectivity I'll be dimantling a bluetooth audio receiver
For future also I plan to make a custom Amplifier Board for the assembly In the next spiral and will try to make the assembly portable.
Electronics Design & Production (Input/Output): 14th June 2019.
3D Modeling & Additive Manufacturing: 10th June 2018.
2D Parametric Design & Computer Controlled Machining: 10th June 2018.
Programming and Testing 16th June 2018.
Assembly & Integration: 17th June2018.
Video, Slide and Final Product: 18th June 2018.
The estimated date of project completion from my end is 18th June, 2019.
The placement of the LED strip, I need to work and answer the question that where I shall place the LED strip to make it attractive and also a neat product.
Also the placement of the Input and Output device boards, Input shall be placed on a musical instrument with the help of a 3d Printed component.
The Placemenet of the Mic is alos a challenge as till now I've seen the mapping is best when the mic is place very near to the speakers.
Also the power source for both the boards is the important aspect I need to work on.
I also need to think about the wire management and how to manage all the wires so that It may give a neat clean look.
The elctronics is still pending and some wire management is to be done and I need to think about powering up the circuit either bu a battery opr by a dc source.
Image source- Google
I'm using commercial LA4440 audio driver board with a audio receiver bloothoth to drive the speakers, developing these will come under my snext spiral for the first I'm tryind to devlop the sound controlled part.
To know more how I connected thes to the speakers please visit my Final Project Page.
As Far for now everythin is workin fine for me but ther were some quality of sound issues in the speakers as the speakers Im using is an old recyclable one so in future i'll be procuring some good quality speakers.
The connectivity of the audio receiver works good the neopixel is also mapped accordingly.
For now I'm using onlyy red color to map in the code which I can change in future depending on the Values of RGB.
The placement of the LED strip, I need to work and answer the question that where I shall place the LED strip to make it attractive and also a neat product.
Also the placement of the Input and Output device boards, Input shall be placed on a musical instrument with the help of a 3d Printed component.
The Placemenet of the Mic is alos a challenge as till now I've seen the mapping is best when the mic is place very near to the speakers.
Also the power source for both the boards is the important aspect I need to work on.
I also need to think about the wire management and how to manage all the wires so that It may give a neat clean look.
My final presentation is on 19-Jun-2019. So just have less than a week left for final presentation. I've been quite a lot busy in these days because of some commitmemts in my other projects in college so there is very less time for documenting. I'll have to buckup for the documentation as for the weeks works is almost done but still documentation is the key factor and it's left.
Throughout the journey of FABACADEMY i have learnt a lot of things. Every week at lab came with a new lesson. Some of the key things are-
-Digital fabrication skills which is a key enabler for me
-Fab city initiative, something that i wanna see it in India too
-I still need to learn a lot.