Group Assignment
So this week's group assignment was to take analog an digital input from any inout devices.
For this week, since we are out of inventory, So we decided to upload Blink code in one of the board, and test it over the DSO, as digital input and for the analog input, We used a DC Motor. It may look a bit strange how a DC motor as an input device
Well, to support this, Lets go to the princple of working of the motor. It works on the principle that "Whenever a current carrying condutor is place in a magnetic field it experiences a force, and due to this force the motor shaft rotates". It may be seen that the construction of motr and generator are same, So for the same reason what we'll do is, we'll connect the motor to the DSO and rotate the shaft of the motor, and see what analog voltage is generated.
Understanding Oscilloscopes
Key Capabilities
Bandwidth = 50 MHz
Channels = 2
Max Memory Depth = 16 kpts
Max Sample Rate = 1 GSa/s
Display Size = 5.7 inch
ADC Bits = 8 bits
USB storage, RS232C and J45 interface
Multi-waveforms math, FFT Function
Built-in delay sweep function
Waveform Record and Recall, Trigger Mode for Edge, Video, Pulse Width, Slope and Alternate
Measuring Digtal Input
First we tested out the crystal on an Arduino UNO, we connected the probes to the crystal of Ardunio Uno which showed a frequency of 16 MHz.
We then uploaded Blink code on the UNO board and we observed the pulse signal.
Measuring Analog Input
For measuring the analog signals, We connected both the terminals fo the motos with the probes of the DSO and then we rotated the motor shaft manually.
On the DSO Screen, It may be noticed that digital pulses with a time gap of 1 seconds were observed with peak value of voltage of 5V.
Also it was obeserved that the pulses were smooth, as we caliberated the probes earlier as showcased in video
Analog signal was clearly visualized on the DSO Screen.(An Analog signal is any continous signal for which the time varying feature (variable) of the signal is a representation of some other time varying signal i.e analogous to another time varying signal, This is also the reason why wave form is rising up and down with time.)
DSO was measuring voltage w.r.t Time and A peak voltage of about +10V was observed.
When the motor shaft direction is reversed the signal also changes the ploarity and a reverse peak voltage of about -8V was observed