------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to do list. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - git install - genarate ssh key - create local project dir (git bash) - git bash > add global name & email. - make index.html - make CI template. - git clone. > git pull & push test. > test: http://fab.academany.org/2018/students.html > student link should now direct to your index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting started. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > install git. https://git-scm.com/ > use personal link (email) to login to https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/ Go to settings > notifications. global notification level > watch. (to recieve all notifications.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SSH key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gitlab login > profile > shh key > click genarate. scroll down page to. "Generating a new SSH key pair" excecute tutorial step 1. - 5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup of project DIR. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- open git bash. type: ls (list of files) type: cd Documents (entering documents) type : mkdir FabAca2018 (will create directory) type: cd FabAca2018 (enter folder) (can use tab to auto complete) in gitlab enter repository that is still emtey (to view instructions). https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/academany/fabacademy/2018/labs/fablabvestmannaeyjar/local (projects > your projects > Academany / Fab Academy / 2018 / Labs / Vestmannaeyjar / local) copy paste lines global setup to bash. and hit enter. git config --global user.name "___" git config --global user.email "____@email.com" (so git on my computer now knows that this is my name and email) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- make index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in gitlab projects > your projects > site. click on plus. > ceate new file. file name > index.html hello world commit message commit button (propper commit discription is inportand!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- make yml file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- repeat process. Plus button > create new file. template > choose type > .gitlab-ci.yml > apply yaml template > html commit message > create CI (contineuas intergration file) commit changes. (this file will run every time when you push something to git and will make sure your webpage becomes visable on the internet) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- make git clone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- on gitlab projects > your projects > site. copy url (from middle of page) to clip board. (by clicking button) (git@gitlab.fabcloud.org:academany/fabacademy/2018/labs/fablabvestmannaeyjar/site.git) go to git bash. (sill sitting in fabaca folder.) type: git clone (+right click > copy). enter. type: yes type: cd site ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gitbash pull & push ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- browse to local folder on computer. (C:\Users\Me\Documents\FabAca2018\site) open index.html change something and save --- in git bash type: git status type: git add . (will commit all the changes, so new files and changed files) type: git commit -m "first test" (to commit change to history git > locally) type: git push (to commit change to history git > global) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- final notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > always start the day with git bash type: git pull (to get all the changes done to the reposotory). it's possible to make changes to the files like index.html online (in git). but push & pull is always done trough git bash. importand : first PULL then PUSH.