Hi! My name is Bára and I was born in 1999 on a little Island at the south of Iceland called Heimaey. I am currently finishing my studies in upper secondary school (framhaldsskóli) and will graduate in may. During my education I have taken a few classes in Fablab and during my time in Fablab I have found an interest in making things so why not learn how to make (almost) anything. I want to learn new things, broaden my horizon and meet new creative people, and I think Fab academy is the perfect opportunity to do that. After I finish FabAcademy I am interested in going to collage to learn mechanical or mechatronic engineering, I also believe that finishing Fab academy will help me with further education no matter what that might be.
For my final project I want to make a cover for office chairs that detect if someone is sitting in it and when that someone has been sitting for too long it will notify the person with either a light, vibration or phone.
The jorney to my final project