Description of me and of my life project
Hello. My name is Quiliro Ordonez. I am a freedom activist and a nature activist born in Quito and a citizen of the World. I defend the right of citizens of all nations equally (including those citizens that cannot speak) from the power of governments or corporations.
Mision, Vision and Values
Mision (Who I am):
I consider myself as an explorer of the environment and of my own existence (as was Alexander Von Humboldt). My quest is to evaluate the sustainability of my way of life. I put great effort to develop new procedures for making eco-social sustainability possible (where it is) and to eliminate procedures (where it is not possible). I use exclusively free software. I am selecting only software that is included in the FSF Free Software Directory for doing the FabAcademy assignments.
In 2009 I was invited as a member of the Board of the Free Software Foundation Latin America. I am still there now (2018 March). And I plan to stay as long as it is an organization built upon consensus.
I believe that the power should be by the people, for the people and from the people (and other living things). The only way I see this is possible is when the people stop supporting commerce, sale of their own labor and delegation of power.
Randy-randy, sharing reciprocally in kichwa, is the method I have chosen. Perhaps it is Uthopia. But it is nice to work for the better instead of conforming to other peoples' World plan.
Vision (Who I want to be):
I am striving to be a responsible human being. I try to be responsible for the personal, local and global consequences of what I do. I proceed in such a way that I intend to live together in pacific coexistence with the environment (natural and social ecosystems) and I repair whatever harm I may cause.
Values (Foundational principles):
- Sharing, solidarity and reciprocity
- Commercial exclusion
- Technology apropriation
- Ecology
- Principled pragmatism (not just for convenience)
- Futuristic vision (holistic)
- Understanding and peace
- Peaceful sincerity
- Equality
- Consensus
My story
It all started as a dream for me; a dream of Freedom, Equility and Solidarity. I consider myself an Anarchist.
- Freedom is the right to do as you wish without pressure. It is not the right to choose between masters. But to be free from them.
- Equality can only come through the lack of a power structure; the right to impose as much as can be improsed upon us by the imposer.
- Freedom can only be attained through Solidarity. As a family member is solidary with the other members, [s]he will not be able to progress without the equal progress of others and without impositions.
Only upon these three principles can a healthy society stand.
Several kilometerstones (pun on milestone's non-internationalism) have marked the steps of a journey of the quest for autonomy.
Libre Software
I helped start the free software movement in cooperation of a handful of activists with the mentoring of the Free Software Foundation in Ecuador. With the guidance of several libre software activists, I learned what freedom means and I understood that Linux was not really libre software. Richard Stallman became a very close collaborator for that objective. We have had the opportunity to host him several times as a speaker. I have helped organize and accompanied him in his conferences throughout Ecuador. He even had an interview with President Correa on 2006. Because of that interview the National Government decided to make Libre Software a national policy.
I cooperated with the first bicycle route in Ecuador. I volunteered several years in the organization that promoted it and I am an active biker.
I have implemented several measures in my own life to reduce, recycle, reuse and repotentiate in order to make the production and consumption cycle a sustainable one. I am a long way from not contaminating. But I:
- never send water to the sewage system. I reuse it for irrigation of my plot.
- use the least disposable materials I can.
- construct with recycled parts.
- limit the trash I send to the garbage collector to 1kg per month
- compost organic garbage
- compost human manure
- walk, bike or use the bus. I use a car (not mine) once or twice a week for 10 minutes.
I consider money and power enslave and divide people. So I have made a personal journey into freeing myself of money. The quest for money makes people do what they loathe and the act of purchasing becomes a master's role. I wish not to be a master or a slave. So I manage to live with only $500 per month (and reducing). I can do this because I have found a home with a very cheap rent, do not have a cell phone or internet connection. I try to avoid expenditures by setting priorities for the money I have. Since I think that the money I have is the initial investment for my autonomy project, that is my main motivation to reduce expenditures. My aspiration is to be moneyless with all my physical needs covered by 2025.
Water elevation
I have constructed a water pump that elevates water at 10 meters (projected to 30 meters) with just a 0.7 meter dam. It works with no electricity or fuel.
Currently I am developing a water pump that uses no moving parts and has the same specifications of the previous model.
Autonomous Community Project
General Autonomous Community Project Plan
We will construct an autonomous community in production and consumtion of products and services of self-use in order to avoid dependence upon masters and to avoid exploitation.
- The community must produce all its needs to avoid the abuse of its resources and the pollution of the environment by people from outside or by locals.
- The garbage must be disposed of in a way that it nourishes the community, instead of hurting health and environment.
- The relationships between people must be equal. Decisions must be taken in consensus on all affairs, always.
- The way to attain this autonomy is the result of the reciprocal exchange of knowledge between diverse communities and produce locally consumed products in such a manner that it does not constitute destruction but it becomes part of the ecosystem.
- Solid animal and human excrete should be used in composting processes that do not contaminate water. Liquid excrete should irrigate crops.
- Animals should not be used for human consumption; only plants should be consumed in order to achieve more eficiency.
- Tools should be constructed locally, as well as electronic systems for telecommunications and data processing. All members of the community must be provided with: food, housing, clothing, health and telecommunications.
- Cultivation must be made with minimal human intervention. Human intervention will only come in the mounting of the initial infrastructure.
- Homes will be built with community produced materials and tools by the work of the future occupants and their neighbors.
- Health will be attained by the knowledge of all members of the community, as well as though the exchange of knowledge with other communities by telecommunication and electronic systems.
- Clothing will be made the same way, by way of own materials, machines and workmanship.
- The telecommunications' network will be built in a horizontal manner between communities in such a way that one community will provide passage of the data of others in order to receive the same treatment by them. Protocols must also be encrypted and managed by auditable standards instead of being managed centrally (in order to avoid information control by the corporations for expropriating power). In this way it is possible to form a network of equals. Social networks, being part of telecommunications, must be managed with standards and allow their mutual interconnection to avoid concentration of power. If international corporations obstruct this interconnection, communities must develop programs in cooperation in order to interact with them.
- The exchange of products and services will be limited to those that are delivered without cost or are vital for human survival in order to avoid contanimation by transportation and unemployment by externalization of the workforce.
- Education will be held by tutoring and will be done by volunteering, as well as is voluntary attending the tutorship.
Required investigation:
- Endogenous (from the local environment) edible plants
- Appropriate irrigation methods
- Telecommunications technology
- Home construction with local materials
- Preventive health procedures
- Libre private information systems
- Venture capital in cash or in resources
- IT knowledge
- Logic
- Institutional image
- Health
- Sanitary knowledge
- Appropriate autonomy technology knowledge
- Develop a subtereanean house construction system
- Learn to design in 2D: construction of working prototypes for autonomy
- Learn to hack GuixSD: develop a lightweight and libre system
- Learn to
hack ATmel construct and FabLab-ify RONJA: free space optical telecommunications system