Week 5: Electronics Production

Electronics Production


Learning Outcomes:

Need to:

I need to welt the board to start the programming activities

First, I need to download and install the Atmel AVR Toolchain for Windows. I found this repository in google, click here to go.

Then it's important to decompress in C:\Program Files (C:\Archivos de programa)

Now, we need to download "GNU Make software" and launch the installer, you can download the software here and use the current installation

Download AVRDUDE, decompress the file, and copy on C:\Program Files, you can go to their page here

Now, it's important to update the PATH, let's specify the routes in which the interpreter of the commands should look for the programs to execute. Let's go to Start Menú, then left click on file explorer, then More and properties. Then I'll have this window opened:



Previously I have installed to my system ATMEL STUDIO 7 to do other activities, this software provide the system the drives necesaries to the programmer.

Then I recommedn to install ths software libusb-win32, this software will instal all the drivers I need.Follow this process:



Now, I´m going to download the firmware here I need to change some parameters in makefile, to do this Í'll use Sublime text.

Next, I'm going to flash the board, and then reset disable the fuses

Finally, let's unweld the board

To confirm all the activity, I will check the programmer conectivity plugging to the USB port and confirming in device managment:

Explain any problems and how I fixed them

Include a ‘hero shot’ of the board

Files used in this activity