1.Design and produce something with a digital fabrication process (incorporating computer-aided design and manufacturing) not covered in another assignment, documenting the requirements that your assignment meets, and including everything necessary to reproduce it. Possibilities include (but are not limited to) composites, textiles,biotechnology, robotics, and cooking.

For the Assignment this week try for the first time to use polyester resin and fiberglass, before starting the work with this type of components it is necessary to know the risks and dangers that can be contracted for the health if it is not carried out with care.

Polyester Resin

Polyester resins are thermoplastic chemical compounds derived from the distillation of petroleum. They are classified within the family of plastics, technically called polymers. They have a good resistance to thermal, mechanical and chemical compression. Its hardening is achieved at room temperature, by the addition of a catalyst (mec peroxide). Depending on the category of the resin, sometimes it will be necessary the help of an accelerant (cobalt octoate) to achieve the proper hardening.

The polyester resin SECURITY DATASHEET is shared HERE


Fiberglass refers to a group of products made of extremely thin strands of woven (interlaced) glass in various configurations or different forms to form a fabric or mesh resulting in a flexible material, very heat resistant, lightweight, resistant to Many chemical products, good electrical and cheap insulation.

Effects on health.

Working with fiberglass in the form of fibers or dust can cause irritation to eyes, nose, throat and skin.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified glass wool as a possible carcinogen in humans.

The two most common forms are presented in the form of:

  • Continuous filament or fabric, used as reinforcement material.
  • In fiber panels for swimming pools, boats, tanks and other hard synthetic products.
  • Wool used as insulation for heat in buildings.

The Fiber Glass SECURITY DATASHEET is shared HERE

Prevention measures

The worker must establish safe work procedures (ventilation, extraction, etc.) to minimize the hazards.

However, in closed or narrow spaces, where these products are usually installed, fiber levels in the environment are usually high and difficult to control. In these cases, workers should be provided with personal protective equipment: masks, work clothes and appropriate gloves.

The same prevention measures must be provided in the work of cutting and sanding products with fiberglass filament.

Solidworks Design

Mold manufacturing

For this activity I decided to make a shield of my favorite team in fiberglass

It is important before starting to rub the mold with the release agent

Put the catalyst and the resin in separate containers

Mix the two substances

Put the fiber very carefully on the mold, it is important to use gloves and all safety measures

Use a brush to add the fiber to the mold with the resin

Cover the entire area of ​​the mold and cover with the counter mold

Allow to air dry for several hours until the material hardens

The result was not as expected, due to the amounts of resin and catalyst used, unfortunately I could not get more material to repeat the practice but later I will try it again