
To study about property rights and invention.

What is an invention?

Invention is basically a piece of development, that has been under the legal observation of a person or a company who are responsible for the research behing that.

Also that means that the person or company has the right to claim the ownership of the product, or assign someone as eligible for the same.

What are property rights?

Property rights are statements that are responsible for defining the ownership of a particular person or organisation over a materialistic object which they would claim to have been developed or found by them.

These papers are a legal barrier for avoiding missuse, replication or abduction of a development.
The papers have a higher grade of value, hence beasically violation of any clause in those, by the ower or any external agent, can result into criminal offence.

The type of paper defining the rights shows if the offence of violation is restricted to a particular landmass or the entire globe.
Few of the ways, hence to define the rightful ownership over a development are listed below:-

  1. Patenting the invention:-
    Patenting an invention is a process of owning the rights over a development by disclosing all of it's intellectuals, and claiming them.

    There are two types in this too:-
    • Process patenet:- Where you claim a particular method of reaching to the result you have reached.
    • Product patent:- Where you claim the actual product that has been built and not the method by which it is.

    Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages, but they work well on the places actually needed.

  2. Owning the Copyrights:-
    Copyrights is one way of claiming the rights over a product, but it mainly convers the design and visual aspects of a product where as patents work for the entire design and technical aspects.
    Herein the issue is like if there is a slight change in the physical appearance of the product and the right over it is lost.

    Hence this can be used only in the case of developments where appearace is respected, such as a logo, or a name.

  3. And there are few more such as trade mark, and much more.

Hence considering and using these we are able to conserve our ownership over the development that we have done.

The concept of Open Source Licencing

The above explained and few more are the property right one brings in when there is privacy and ownership expected towards the development end, but apart from all of these there is a concept of keeping the product open source.
By this you show that you were the first one to own the development, but it can be further used, developed, researched by anyone and you have no denial over that.
This is usually done when the development is done with a social motive and the objective for it to be developed for the benefit of the entire mankind.

On the contrary there can be measured made that if further developed by any person or organisation, refering to the initial design, can't be owned by an individual and always has to be open source.

This we get as boon when we licesnce the development as open source.

The license that I prefered.

Cosidering all the advantages and disadvantages, I actually prefered to go with open source, since anyways the concept was not all the way new that I had presented, I had chosen this for cost optimisation.

Secondly the machine had nothing hazardous that it can have biological or physical harms that it has to be preserved from misused.

Also it was defined from the beginning that since the project has been in a social favour, hence it is always welcomed to have more and more developments from all the sides.

Procedure used to generate the license.

For this the procedure was really simple, I initially went to the git lab, signed into the account, there was initially seen "add a license"

After this you reach a box where you choose a license, where I had choosen the GNU v3.0, and once the license was insurted, I just made the commit and it was added to the repository

It was basically simple as that.

Why GNU v3.0

About this license I had initally read on the website given here

Presentations for project

Following displayed is a slide of the project that briefs through the basic ideology of the project

Followed by a videos to guide through the processes and the development out of the need.