Week 1 & 2
First I was completely lost, everything was new...
When I started the fabacademy, my computer was only used for email, spreadsheets and text
A long way from there ...
It took me some time to understand GIT and how to use it.
I made several websites, blogs but always using WYSIWYG platforms like Blogger, Wordpress,Jimdo ...
Again, it took me time and some tutorials to be able to make what I wanted.
The process to learn evolved a lot from my first Fabacademy session in 2017.
I feel much more comfortable now to start a new "field" from scratch.
When I have to do an assignment (or something outside the fabacademy),
I first make something very simple to understand the base of a software or a machine and to get confidence.
Then I go deeper and deeper using tutorials, asking people who have more experience or skils.
It is a very different way of learning, more "global", that never ends
It gives me different tools or way of thinking to solve a particular problem or question
I feel much more ready to dive into an unknown field with less fear of failure
Git is a version control tool for tracking changes in computer files
and coordinating work on those files among multiple people.
GitLab is a web-based Git repository management
To begin the assignment, I generated a SSH Key
It is necessary to do so to secure the communication between Gitlab and a computer
I opened Git bash on my computer and type the command :
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "my email"
It generated a public and a private file id_rsa and id_rsa pub with the SSH key information in it
I opened the file id_rsa pub wich contains the public key
copied and paste it in the gitlab website in the profile setting
It generated the SSH key on gitlab to communicate safely with my computer.
I configured also Git on the computer with git config to configure user name and email adress
This configuration gives a signature to what is done from my computer on Gitlab
$ git config --global user.name "my name"
$ git config --global user.email my email
I had some problems when I tried to make the first test with my repository
The git clone command worked fine
but when I wanted to make a new file on the repo or change a file on my computer
Gitlab was generating a new fork with the change to be merged
After several trials and errors
I decided to work with Denis and my labmate Nicolas
and found out that I signed in with a wrong userprofile.
I checked the emails send by academany and saw that the email used was my gmail account.
I reset the password, signed in and I passed from "Master" to "developer".
and tested making a new file,
It finally worked.
$ git clone git@gitlab.fabcloud.org:academany/fabacademy/2018/labs/fablabulb/students/victor-levy.git
Then git pull command to receive the changes made on the repository
The 3 commands to add my new files where: git add -A, git commit -m"commit name" and git push.
Local repository
git add -A is necessary to add all the files to the index
git commit -m "something" is a way to record changes to the repository + a message
Remote repository
Git push is to send update remote reference along with the assocated objects
Here is a nice website for basic commands on Git
To design my webpage, I used a Boostrap wich is a tool to develop webpages in HTML CSS and Javascript
I used a predefined template Agency that I customised to make my own site.
I downloaded Atom, a text editor to change and manage HTML code of the page.
At first it was very difficult for me to understand what part of the code was doing what
I found a very good page to learn HTML : W3 school, where you have tutorials and also possibility of testing the code
I wanted to change the colour of the typography of the links (a href) of the page
To do so, I first went to the W3school page to make some exercise on CSS
The CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a computer language that describes the way HTML is presented
The min.css is the compressed file that is used with all the information in a shorter format to accelerate the access to information
When I understood the structure of it, I first tried to change the colour in the agency.CSS file
It didn't work...
In an HTML page, the general layout is determined by this in the code
link href="css/agency.min.css" rel="stylesheet"
So I went to change the colour in the Min.CSS directly
To find the reference of the correct blue (#0000ff), I used Color-hex
It worked perfectly in all my website pages.