From this week the weekly assignments are focussing more towards the final project.So main aim of the week is to propose a final project and answer the questions asked for this week.So I am sticking on to my first project proposal i.e.,Digifab display banner.It is a led matrix which is used for displaying the message we give as input.Led display matrices are driven using an led display driver which are controlled by microcontroller.It will cover all the machining skills in processes such as laser cutting ,shopbot,3D printing,PCB making & embedded programming skills.

What will it do?

Digifab display banner is a diigtally fabricated LED scrolling message display board.I am using four 8 x 8 matrix Leds which consists of 256 leds. The messages are transmitted using bluetooth module,Led's are controlled using led matrix display driver IC-MAXIM7219EWG.The display drivers are connected to the microcontroller to control the display matrix to enable serial communication.I have a very big interest in Signages and have seen scrolling displays around the city which are using prefabricated panels and Microcontroller board.So out of my interest I am doing this project.

Who's done what beforehand?

You can see a lot of projects on instructables using led matrix.Most of them have used single 8 x 8 matrix and using shift registers to shift the characters.There are also projects controlled using maxim IC's.From these projects I have got the idea of MAXIM 7219 IC's and I wish to complete this as a whole product.

What will you design?

In the designing processes I need to 2D design a matrix of 8rows and 8 columns whith holes for the arrangement of LEDs.
Also I need to design PCB for each display matric connected to the display driver and another PCB for the microcontroller.I also plan to 3D print the sides giving provision for the connecting Pins.
Also I will have to design the app for using this project
These are the main components in the design and anything that could be done to enhance the visual apperance will also be considered

What materials and components will be used?

The materials I need are:
LED's 8mm/10mm -64*4 =256 numbers
LED display driver IC-MAX7219EWG -4 Numbers
Resistor and capacitor
bluetooth module-HC-05
5V voltage regulator 7805
3V button cell for testing the Led's
beachwood/plywood for placing the leds
Acrylic sheet for preventing dust/rain

Where will it come from?

The electronic components except the LED display driver and voltage regulator are available at our lab.Plywood and acrylic are also available.All the other components are purchased from local shops and online.

How much will it cost?

I think the overall cost will be less than 40$.

What parts and systems will be made?

led matrix
The led array arrangement in plywood is to be made
acrylic box for covering the face of the board
display Control unit
basic framework
edge beeding

What processes will be used?

2D and 3D Software design
CNC cutting
laser cutting
Vinyl cutting
3D printing
PCB milling
Embedded programming
App development

8)What questions need to be answered?

I have doubt with the output of the LED.I could only get water clear LED's from online so I have doubt weather it could overpower the diffused leds.Also I might need some help with the coding for the process.

How will it be evaluated?
My project can be evaluated on how it looks,the design,the ease of fuctionality to control using bluetooth and the cost effectiveness when compared with the display available in market.