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Project Management


  • Finish my website
  • Set up Git


In the second week of the program I finished my website by implementing Bootstrap. It was my first time using Bootstrap and I quickly realized why it is so popular. Compared to making my own css stylesheet this goes a lot faster, but I'm still glad I spend some time getting to know how css works. The way I used Bootstrap, was to first copy the stylesheet that was linked on their website into the header of my html documents:


Then before the ending body tag I placed the javascript link. Both of these steps enabled me to get full use of the class tag when writing my website, since Bootstrap functions as one big library.


Regarding the design of my website I wanted to keep things nice and simple. At first I did not want my weeks to be displayed with these row as I see many others have done before me, but my html/bootstrap skills prevented me from coming up with anything better. This is something I might change in the future.



Another thing I did on my website was to add a tap about my final project where I tried to outline my idea a bit more with a drawing showing the process of using my product. Also I included some of the comments I got from both Niel and Bas in the past week.

Even though I want to put more work into my website I decided It was fine for now. The next step for my was uploading it to Git. Prior to this week I already got confident with some of the commands and I had made a git clone. We were handed a guide on how to setup git in paper by oure instructor. The guide is similar to one found under tutorials on the fabacademy website. We downloaded git bash to use as a therminal for setting up and controlling oure website.

When git was up and running and I tried to push my website I saw that most of it went well aside from some of the pictures not showing. I realised I had some spelling errors regarding uppercase- and lowercase letters. I learned about the "ls" command in git which showed me how git reads the name of my files so that I could easily correct them.


When making updates on the website I'm using the followning commands in the git bash terminal:

  • cd command to enter the master branch
  • git status
  • git add .
  • git status
  • git commit -m"..."
  • git status
  • git push (local repository link)

Git status is used in between the actual commands everytime in order to see if the functions works with the entended documents the way they should.