Fablab Sorbonne - Paris, France


Computer controlled machining on Shopbot Buddy CNC

Making zero Z axis on the machine

To make the zero Z axis on the machine, we put the connector on the motor and the plate on the piece of wood.
Then on Shopbot 3 software, we clicked on Z-zero height using Z-zero plate. Then machine move down until touch the plate twice and the software automatically substract plate thickness.
After making Z-zero, we moved on different place on the woodsheet and verified zero stays good.
We also verified machine horizontality with a spirit level.

Z-zero axis Z-zero axis Test on different points Test on different points Horizontality

Size and alignement

On Vcarve pro, we designed a 200x200 mm square and programmed a 4mm deep cutout of the square with a 6mm mill tool.

After milling, we measured length. Result is :

Square dimension

Square length are very close to 20cm. As 20×√2 ≈28.3, we know that size, alignement, perpendicularity and parallelism is good.