Fablab Sorbonne - Paris, France


3D Printer and Scanner Characteristics

Ultimaker 3, Shining 3D EinScan-Po

3D Printing

scanning and printing scanning and printing scanning and printing

Test 1

We created a test file to analyse the size characteristics of the 3D printer. We chose OpenSCAD to create cubic and cylindrical pockets and extrusions on one piece of material.

size = 15;
margin = 2.5;
difference() {
 translate([0,0,(size+margin)/2]) cube([4*size+5*margin,size+2*margin,size+margin],center = true);
 translate([-1.5*size-1.5*margin,0,size/2+1+margin]) cube([size,size,size+1],center = true);
 translate([-0.5*size-0.5*margin,0,margin]) cylinder(r = size/2, h = size+1);
translate([0.5*size+0.5*margin,0,1.5*size+margin]) cube([size,size,size],center = true);
translate([1.5*size+1.5*margin,0,size+margin]) cylinder(r = size/2, h = size);

Size test piece on OpenScad scanning and printing

For the first test, we used the caliper to measure the internal and external distances on the object.

Test 2

scanning and printing scanning and printing scanning and printing

In order to reference different material, I printed an additional test, the 3D Benchy boat in ABS and polycarbonate (PC). Each part of the boat has dimensions which serve to test the printers ability to print complex angles and thicknesses. We created the following table of comparable features,

# Parameter ABS PC
1 Bridge Roof Length 23.1 23.2
2 Chimney Roundness (Outer) 7 7.1
3 Vertical Overall Roundess (chimney to floor) 47.8 47.8
4 Vertical Overall Height (cupboard to floor) 15.4 15.3
4 Bridge Front Window (Width) 10.4 10.3
4 Bridge Front Window (Height) 9.3 9.5

To summarise, we found the Boaty an effective tool in comparing different material. The Ultimaker 3 is a reliable 3D printer but there are slight variations when creating the same object in different materials.