
Final Project

About Me

Week 18


Propose a final project that integrates the range of units covered


*What will it do?
I will make a wireless slient wooden mouse.

* Who's done what beforehand?
The idea of what material to use is over.

*What will you design?
I would like to design ergonomically, but I will design it to fit my hand as well.

*What materials and components will be used?
The main material is chemical wood and we will refer to the basic parts that go into the mouse.

*Where will come from?
Mouse sensors are purchased from ali express, and the rest of the parts will be purchased locally.

*How much will they cost?
Mouse sensors cost about $ 5 each, mouse switches $ 1, gratings $ 1, reference mice $ 4, and even a few more,
the total price is around $ 20.
In the case of wood, it is difficult to price because it will use the remaining materials in the local lab.

*What parts and systems will be made?
I will make the necessary parts for the mouse, but if I need hard-to-make parts, I plan to use them apart from unused mouse.
In the case of a mouse system, you will be able to control 6 buttons, including the dpi control button and wheel button.

*What processes will be used?
I will be using CNC, laser cutting, PCB milling, and many other machines and demonstrate some skills.

*What questions need to be answered?
One of the things about mouse coding that I want to complete is the dpi control part. In this part,
my Googleing may be lacking, but it is hard to find the data about it, so I would like to ask about this part.

*How will it be evaluated?
It is likely that you will be able to evaluate the actual functioning of the mouse as a video and see
if it can properly perform the role of the mouse and whether it fits in my hand.
