
Final Project

About Me

Week 11

Group Assignmet page


measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you have designed and read it.

1.Using arduino and eagle

This week we decided to follow Neil's board, which is an button board.

Before milling the PCB, I listened to the advice of the instructor and decided to try the buttons using the Arduino. This is an Arduino code.

When I used Arduino, I decided to use the LED in Arduino to see if the button worked well.

I checked to see if it works well and I decided to go to eagle to make a board.
I drew along Neil's board, milled and soldered.

It is after soldering.

2.Programming (to be continued)

Programming has decided to use neil's c code using the ubuntu terminal.
I connected FabISP with Hello.button.45, plugged USB into computer and programmed as follows.

sudo make -f hello.button.45.make

sudo make -f hello.button.45.make program-usbtiny

Then, I checked an arduino, it's working!

You can download my work here
zip file download