send a message between two projects
design and build a wired &/or wireless network connecting at least two processors
I did combind hello.bus.45 boards and hello.I2C.45 boards to test with each cases.
Here are all files that I made.
- Design file download(eagle cad format) :
* bridge board : schematic for bridge |
pcb for bridge
* nodes board : schematic for nodes |
pcb for nodes
- Bridge board for communication to PC and node boards (png image format) :
trace for bridge |
outline for bridge
- Node board for communication to PC :
trace for node |
outline for node
In this time, I have got information, if USB to Serial converter's applied Vcc voltage down from 5V to 3.3V
it can be helping with data communication. So I try to change Vcc on converter board.
Here after this step.
For my project, I just combine an RS232 cable and an I2C cable together. but, I understood about the cable issue( as mention above Trial action)
as only harness problem.
By the way I have some unclear thought about it while doing the experiments about networking between computer through bridge to node 3.
That is my a net harness cable consist of 6 wires(2 wires for I2C), there were still exist same operation about not blink individually.
I just think about that disconnect the wires of I2C, after that, the whole operations matches for wrote as programming.
It means that the I2C's pull-up connections makes the infulence to the RS232 operation.
Here is the fixed cable connection for RS232 communication.
The concepts of communication are at first call to node number as character type variable on Serial terminal then responds
from each nodes
via serial network line. The role of sender(PC terminal) is broadcaster for all nodes and nodes receive
the same commands then compare to own id.
if matching id's node reply 'node' plus delf id number as character type to sender.
The network cable length is with 30cm, its enough to take 3-wire ports
as Tx,Rx and GND also plus Vcc.
Simplfied drawing shown as below. It will be a star topology.
For the network I choose RS232 methods, that works with a serial bit stream as below consist of three parts.
First is start bit second follow to data bits start with LSB(Lowest Significant Bit-refer to B0 in this aticle) and
third are possible configuration of parity and stop bit.
more description
- start bit : It can be teach to receiver to asynhcronize with data bits when it come in to receiver can make own clock to sync data bits.
- data bits : After start bit, these bits followed. And data types are can be selectable 7 or 8 bits.(if the data is filled of only
7bit type will make speed up for transmission)
-parity and stop bit : Parity will help to check tranmission error, basically one bit to teach bit sum result as count the
whole data bits and result number is even set to 0 or odd set to 1. In the short length of distance, Its hardly to find these error but for long distance
communication make sure the put some more solution such as CRC.
Stop bit means that the opposite concept of start bit, ie it will make more time delay to make start bit generation.
Here are a set of general parameter configuration for the short length and low speeds communication,eventhough RS232 is a kind of asynhcronous communication
methods, it needs to define same boadrate both of sender and receiver.
- Baudrate : 9600 bps(bits per seconds)
- Data bits : 8 bit
- Parity bit : None
- Stop bits : 1
- Flow control : None