*assignment -group project: -use the test equipment in your lab to observe the operation of a microcontroller circuit board -individual project: -redraw the echo hello-world board, add (at least) a button and LED (with current-limiting resistor) check the design rules, make it, and test it extra credit: simulate its operation extra credit: render it
First, I just followed tutorials I downloaded fab.lbr And put it in the Eagle folder and changed name "00fab". Because searching libraries on the Eagle, they are listed in alphabetical order. So as to search easily, we should changed fab.lbr to "00fab". On the seach bar, putting the parts that you want, we can see and find. But some problem happend. When I searched 'LED', no problem. But with 'attiny', it didn't show anything. And that time I found explanation on the right. It guided me to add "*" in the last. I tried with "*". And then succeeded.
Comparing to this image, I added the parts needed. the parts: Attiny44>Attiny44-SSU / AVRISP>AVRISPSMD / Cap-unpolarized>Cap-unpolarized C1206 / FTDI-SMD-header / Res-US>Res-US1206Fab / Resonator I redrawed 'Hello echo world' and added 'LED' and 'Button' on schematic. On the board, it appeared like above. And then 'autorauter' function helped me to draw line. I had to export this image into png. In layers, except 'top' none should be selected. And 'Monochrome' is so important. Because it is related to 'black and white' I opened this png file on fabmodule site. And I calculated this image to see how it would be miled. I found something wrong happend. Some parts are connected even though they were not on png file. So I should deal with it. First I tried with 'Inkscape.' And I got into unexpectable error. The size is different!!!!!! So all my efforts were gone. I was so sad.... and should start from the bottle. I tried with 'paint'. Still some error happened. I don't know why but in the process of exporting png file, the size would be changed. So I didn't use. Because of using it, outline size would not match. Finally, I used with 'Gimp'. And then there was no problem. Size Ok, Picture quality Ok. I drawed line by myself. Now that I got right image. I could mile. I got milled one. But I found something really wrong. All the componants that were originally supposed to be with the same size are totally different and so small. (You can see this on the right picture.) This is because I editted all components one by one on 'Gimp' , using eraser and pen tool. This is totally wrong and I found I should restart again from the bottle and draw by myself, not 'autorauter'. I redrawed one by one. and finally made it. And also I found the cause of my problem.(connected and extraordinary smaller on fabmodules than I thought) This was not because of 'autorauter'