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Final project
--group assignment:
characterize the specifications of your PCB production process
--individual assignment:
make an in-circuit programmer by milling the PCB,
then optionally trying other processes
1.Miliing the FabISP
My choice:Brian's FabTinyISP
Before starting, we didn't know anything about this.
So We(Me,Eunice,Jinhyuk-2018Fabacademy Seoul students) decided to choose the same one and do this at the same time and compare each other.
And I think it was really good for us.
Because of it we could understand and finally make it.
Unless we did it together, We couldn't.
Setting in Fabmodule
First, I should download the images to mile PCB in Brain's webpage.
I got these two images(Right for trace, Left for outline)
And then I jumped into Fabmodule for setting.
I had to choose input format (what kind of image(for me, png))
And then output format (Roland mill),
Finally I also sholud select which process I would use for.
If I want trace, I should choose PCB traces(1/64)
If I want outline, PCB outline(1/32)
Of course I should use the proper mill for each process.
Which means, I had to change the mill right before jumping to another one.
(It means if you did trace first, and then you should change mill for outline)
(I've never made this kind of mistake, but one of my colleauges did....hh seceret!!)
Right for outline, Left for trace.
Select machine type: SRM-20
Speed:4 for traces
zjog:10!!(It's important because if it was 0, the machine would be likely to break the mill.)
cut depth:0.1(different from outline)
number of offsets:4(It was good for me, it's up to ur choice)
And calculate button will show how it would be miled.
If you want that image, push the save button!
Difficulty we've met.
First we should change the mill, but we was struggling with them.
Finally we managed to do it.
It was important how to spin screw.
The point is to spin counterclockwise.
Setting x,y,z origin in SRM-20 machine.
Be careful to set the mill on the above of the panel.
And 'Cut' button and load the file.
It will start to mill.
After doing that, you should clean with vacuum cleaner.
Make sure not to scratch or break the mill.
Other values are the same with trace.
The differences are that point.
Speed:0.5(because of avoiding the breakness.)
Cut depth:0.6( more deeper than trace ) (If it was same value, it would be impossible to solder)
Before setting, you should change the mill for outline.
All the processes are the same.
But I ran into unpredictable error.
They should've cut outside of trace.
The machine cut some inside part....
So I lost this one.
So I had to make again.
What made this problem?
The reason is 'invert img'.
I should had,but I didn't
I did again.
Finally I got it!!
Before soldering, I found the parts need to do with.
It was quite difficult to find 499,49 like that.
Very confusing.
But I found them.
At the first try, I broke my ISP during soldering.
So I was given new one Rodrigo had prepared for this kind of situation.
And then I'll try again.
Right after starting, I was really struggling with this.
Even for an hour, I didn't solder anything.
Rodrigo(Seoul fablab instructor, Fabacademy2017 student) and my colleagues gave me the courage and cheer up!
And finally I made it without any big problem!!