Noor Ahmed Raza Pirwani

About Me
"Completed bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering from Hamdard University Karachi. During university time, took part in different National level competitions in which TechnoMoot (EMCOT COMSATS, Abbotabad) and was a position holder in DICE Energy 2015 (NED-UET Karachi). I love to learn and make new things, coding and robotics. My passion to "MAKE" started when I joined EjaadTech as Space Manager and Coordinator for their MAKERSPACE, Tajurbagah in Karachi. Volunteer myself in STEAM activities and workshops conducted by EjaadTech in different schools/colleges and universities. Able to team lead on various projects from University life to professional carrier. In the past year I have learned basic to intermediate CNC, LASER Cutting and 3D Printing and Electronics Prototyping."
To learn more about my past experience Click here
Weekly Progress
Final Project
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