GimpThe assignment of the week was to get in touch with various kinds of tools. GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes. GIMP can be useful in every field, whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist. There is a big 'But', that I have to mention, in case if you like to work with GIMP. GIMP is a raster graphics editor, that means: if we zoom in really closely, we can see pixels. IncscapeInkscape is vector graphics software, it means: no matter how big you scale your picture, the lines will stay sharp. Inkscape runs on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows desktop computers. I really liked this software within of couple minutes. In my opinion, its is an alternate software to Photoshop.FreeCAD 2DFreeCAD is a parametric 2D and 3D modeller made primarily to design real-life objects of any size. Parametric modeling allows you to easily modify your design by going back into your model history and changing its parameters. So below you can see a Sketch of a polygon and 2 circles, without any dependencies.First of all we will trim unnecessary line inside the circle.FreeCAD generates dependencies, as soon as we remove unnecessary line inside the circle. In oder to have some practice we will first remove the dependencies and then add them. You will find the list with dependencies in the down-left corner.Okay, here we attach a line of the polygon to the circle. In order to to that, we have to select the circle and the attaching edge of the line. And click the right icon above the sketch dialog(depends on what we want to do).Here we also select 2 circles and make them equal to each other.In this video we can see, how one circle changes while we change the size of another one.Here we have removed all the dependencies from the bottom circle. As you can see we can freely move it everywhere, without an impact to the other sketches. As you can see it here the, the size of one circle changes with the another circle and the edges of the lines, that we connected are following their position.RhinoWell if you ask me what program do I like to create some 2D sketches, I will answer "Rhino". Rhino has a good usability interface. Unfortunately Rhino can not do any parametric design, it is only available with Rhino 6(Grasshopper). In The picture below you can see a phone holder that I have designed with this software, the joins are calculated for 5mm MDF with Kerf. You can find a download link in the bottom of the page.FreeCAD 3D featureFreeCad ist really good program, you can use parametric functions in 3D model too. At the left we can see the list of the Objects with their names. The name can be used as the reference to mace some parametric dependencies of the objects, as us can see it below. In this example the radius of the top of cylinder equals to the radius of the circle.Fusion 360Another free 3D(2D) parametric tool is Fusion 360. I got familiar with this tool during the Fundamentals of Digital Fabrication, that's why I prefer it most. Okay, to make any parametric object we have to use some sketch, in the sketch menu can change the dependencies, that could be applied to the 3D object, also the extrusion, as you can see it below. You can also make various functions, because the parameters can be defined as 'variables'.OpenSCADHere is another tool "OpenSCAD", that i liked too, it is a pretty nice too to make a 3D models. The specific feature of this program is that we have to code our object on the left menu. You can see the code below, with all the needed comments, if you want to check how it approx. works.Reference
sizec1 = [20,30,30]; // define an array for the Cubes
radiusr = 10;//Define radius for the spheres
cube(sizec1);/* create a Cube with the sizes,
that we have defined at Line number 1*/
sphere(radiusr);/*Here we create a sphere with the same radius a before*/
color("blue"){ // with this function we can change a color of our object, we can also give an array with 3 params like this [69,41,72], to control RGB values;
translate([40,40,0]) {
// Some Figure xD
cylinder(h=15, r1=10, r2=0);/* Here ist the example of the cylinder*/
cube([5,60,5], center = true);
cube([5,5,40], center = true);
cube([5,5,40], center = true);
Final Project 3D DesignAs my Final Project I want to do a Filament Recycler. I wanted to do it in Fundamentals of Digital Fabrication course, but unfortunaltery I had not enough time at that moment.Ladder to HeavenWell here is another design that I have made with the help of Fusion 360. This "Ladder to Heaven" you can find the download link for the .dxf file below. During designing this model I had to experiment with the software a lot, and what I really liked is the Pattern that the software can make.DownloadsFinal ProjectLadder to Heaven 3DLadder to Heaven 2D *dxf(3mm- mdf)Phone Holder