Mónica Pedro

Initial ideas

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Main Concept

Circular Economy case study by means of design and produce goods out of byproducts for global specialized/niche markets.

Promote the Digital Fabrication Literacy and application among the local Agricultural and Fishery communities.


Identify byproducts that could become luxury elements and propose/set local distributed production chain which would distribute value creation among the contributors (locals / contributor's).



In which I’m perform as previewd in the methodology ethnomethodology (Clayman, 1991) point of view create a IS artifact, the HCI MLP, made of “constructs (vocabulary and symbols), models (abstractions and representations), methods (algorithms and practices), and instantiations (implemented and prototype systems)”.

Scrum approach to every day life...


First I’d looked into the local markets to observe the leftovers and find out the fish skin, which could be transformed in fish leather.

But there’s no tradition of such transformation in Portugal, as among the most of the countries in the world.

I found interesting material among brazilian websites but narrowly described.

So, based on a mix of narrow and suspicious recipes and scientific papers, I finally came out to 3 personal recipes that could be used for around 10 different types of local fish skin.

By internal design thinking exercises we got to a few product ideas from which we selected shoes due to the abundance of Pork fish skin.

Some sketches

But to make fish leather shoes we would need the following technology support:


Meanwhile I'd researched about local industry, specially Portuguese tanning industry and decided to invest on a Fulão:

Inpirations for Fulon

positive aspects:

negative aspects:

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