I copied and adapted the shematics of Brian in KiCAD.
In my "Nano" version, all passive componants will be in package 0603 (1.6x0.8mm). The ATtiny 45 will be in QFN-20 (4x4mm). Nano size!
I will be using 4 LEDs: Orange, Red, Green and Blue for indicating activity of respectivelly Vcc, MISO, SCK and MOSI. Colorfull!
The "USB side" will be directly soldered to a USB cable. Ready to plug!
The "ISP side" will be a through-hole 90 degree pinhead. Linear shape!
Then, I reduced the PCB to the "Nano" size of 12 x 25 mm (0.5 x 1 inch):
My source files can be found in
this KiCAD project folder on gitlab.
The essential fabrication file are: