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I spent 11 years at Lyon in France working in vidéo games industry as a 3D artist specialized in low / high poly modelisation and texture painting. I had the chance to participate at the creation of 15 games released on multiple plateform and some of them had a great success. Time passing, I started to make my own project, so I mounted a team and we started to make our own games. At that time I founded really difficult to meet and work with programmers on that kind of project, because it demande a lot of commitment and sometimes the only things you gain is empty pockets at the end of the mounth. After some few success and also aborted project, I decided to move on to became a programmer myself. Internet being one of the greatest technology invented in the 20 century, I strated a short course of three month in web developpement at the end of 2015 after leaving Lyon for Paris. Before it end I was recruted in a major asssocitation named LePoleS wich intervene in priority neighborhood to become technical supervisor for a new school programme made for unemployed and poor people so they can learn web developpement while they were payed wich is unique in france. I became rapidly in charge of a web production team, also working on new methods of learning and made a distributed environment called Ma6TvaCODER on Github that will be used by every school from that associtation. The plan was to create ten school, one in every priority district around Paris and if it succed, extend it to every poor district of france. For now the 4th school is about to open. When I eard about Fabacademy, I jumped on the occasion to learn the last pieces I needed to be fully complete from digital to reality and there I am !
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